In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

AMMOUNCEMENTS Since we do not have the space in this issue for the usual Editor's Fence, we substitute this enclosure. The bibliography of writings about Kipling is made up of Vol. 3, Nos. 3» **> 5 (I960) and lists about I63O items. A supplement with about 1000 additional items is planned for late 1962 or early 1963. Volume k, No. 2 (I960 is now in preparation for mailing, if all goes well, in September. It will contain Kenneth Newel Ps article on Wells' TONO-BUNGAY, Frank MacShane's Ford Madox Ford bibliography, Richard Lid's note on Ford, H-. E. Gerber's second supplement to the Moore bibliography, and miscellaneous news and bibliographical notes on some 35 writers. Also in preparation is a second supplement to the Gissing bibliography and a bibliography of writings about Lytton Strachey. CONFERENCE OM ENGLISH FICTION IN TRANSITION Place: Chicago (MLA Meetings) Topic: The Artist as Hero Discussion Leader: Maurice Beebe We are considering papers to be published in EFT prior to the meeting and to be discussed at the meeting. By Artist-Hero novel we have in mind a broad enough definition to include the novel in which the hero is an artist, the autobiographical novel (in which the author-artist is the hero), and such books (not quite novels) as Moore's HAIL AND FAREWELL and Gissing's PRIVATE PAPERS OF HENRY RYECROFT. We welcome general papers dealing with the theory and practice of this kind of novel and specific papers on individual authors writing in this genre. ...

