In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

100 ISRAEL ZANGWILL We published Elsie B. Adams' "Israel Zangwill: Ghetto Realist and Romancer" and her annotated bibliography of writings about Zangwill in ELT, XIII: 3 (1970), 203-9, 209-44. The most recent study of Zangwill Is Elsie Bonita Adams' Israel Zangwill (NY: Twayne, 1971). Mrs, Adams will continue to abstract items appearing currently. BOOKS RECEIVED Bate, W. Jackson. THE BURDEN OF THE PAST AND THE ENGLISH POET (NY: Norton, 1972 [first pub 1970]). $1.95. Bedient, Calvin. ARCHITECTS OF THE SELF: GEORGE ELIOT, D. H. LAWRENCE, AND E. M. FÖRSTER (Berkeley and Lond: University of California P, 1972). $7.50. Berthoff, Warner. THE EXAMPLE OF MELVILLE (NY: Norton, 1972 [first pub 1962]). $2.25. Borrello, Alfred. H. G. WELLS; AUTHOR IN AGONY, preface by Harry T. Moore (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP; Lond: Feffer ft Simons, 1972). $5.95. CROSSROADS: QUALITY OF LIFE THROUGH RHETORICAL MODES, ed by Tom E. Kakonis and James C. Wilcox (Lond and Lexington, Mass: D. C. Heath, 1972). Curtis, Jared R0 WORDSWORTH'S EXPERIMENTS WITH TRADITION: THE LYRIC POBMS OF 1802 (Ithaca and Lond: Cornell U P, 1971). $8.75. De Lisser, Herbert G. JANE'S CAREER, Intro by Kenneth Ramchand (NY: Africana, 1971). $12.50. THE DIAL. TWO AUTHOR INDEXES: ANONYMOUS ft PSEUDONYMOUS CONTRIBUTORS; CONTRIBUTORS IN CLIPSHEETS, comp by Nicholas Joost and Alvin Sullivan (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1971). $3.00. Dickens, Charles. GREAT EXPECTATIONS, 2nd edn, Intro by Earle bavis (NY and Lond: Holt, Rinehart ft Winston, 1972). Fletcher, Angus. THE TRANSCENDENTAL MASQUE: A« ESSAY ON MILTON'S COMUS (Ithaca and Lond: Cornell UP, 1971). $10.00. Forster, E. M. ALBERGO EMPEDOCLE AND OTHER WRITINGS, ed with Intro and notes by George H. Thomson (NY: Liveright, 1971). $7.95« Heilbrun, Carolyn G. CHRISTOPHER ISHERW00D (NY and Lond: Columbia UP, 1970). $1.00. Josipovici, Gabriel. THE WORLD AND THE BOOK: A STUDY OF MODERN FICTION (Stanford, California: Standford UP, 1971). $10.00. Kenner, Hugh. THE POUND ERA (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California P, 197D. $14.95. THE PORTABLE VICTORIAN READER, ed with an Intro by Gordon S. Height (NY: Viking P 1972). $3.25. Rogers, Robert. A PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDY OF THE DOUBLE IN LITERATURE (Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1970). $7.95. THE SCAPEGOAT: RITUAL AND LITERATURE, ed by John B. Vlckery and J'nan M. Sellery (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972). $3.95. SHORT FICTION OF THE MASTERS, ed by Leo Hamalian and Frederick R. Karl (NY: Putnam's, I963). SiU, R. G. H. THE PORTABLE DRAGON: THE WESTERN MAN'S GUIDE TO THE I CHING (Cambridge and Lond: Massachusetts Institute of Technology P, 1971 [first pub I968]). $1.95. 101 Spiers, John and Pierre Coustillas. THE REDISCOVERY OF GEORGE GISSING, A READER'S GUIDE (Lond: National Book League, 1971). «2.00 TWENTIETH CENTURY INTERPRETATIONS OF 1984. ed by Samuel Hynes (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1971). Vernier, Jean-Pierre. H. G. WELLS ET SON TEMPS (Rouen: Université de Rouen, 1971). CONRADIANA Conradlana. a journal devoted to all aspects of Joseph Conrad, will henceforth be published at Texas Tech University. The journal will now be professionally printed in a new 6" by 9" format. Founder and former editor Edmund A. Bojarski of McMurry College will continue as Edltor-at-Large; the new general editor will be Daniel E. Lees of Texas Tech. Members of Tech's English faculty have been awarded an Arts and Sciences school grant to produce a definitive text of Conrad's Nigger of the "Narcissus" utilizing Tech's Hlnman Collator in the work. Subsequent editions are also being planned. Marion C. Michael will chair the textualista, who are Robert G. Collmer, Kenneth W. Davis, David Leon Higdon, Donald W. Rude, and Dahlia Terrell. Shortly an International Conrad Society will be formed at the University, making Texas Tech the center of Conrad studies in the world. Conradlana will next be published as Volume III, Numbers 2 4 3, a "double" issue to help achieve a regular publishing schedule, and will cost #3.00; Volume IV will be mailed approximately six weeks following (April), for which subscriptions are now being invited at $4„00 the volume ($5*00 foreign). Address: Box 4229, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79*09. ...

