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Vil, been intended as satires, that the apparently optimistic endings may have overtones of irony. While I find Hall's close analyses of "The Death of Simon Fuge," THE OLD WIVES' T/JJL, and the Clayhanger trilogy especially interesting, provocative , and often acute, I regret Hall's too easy dismissal of the later books as of no great esthetic interest or worth. Hall's selected bibliography of writings about Bennett contains most of the important works but might be supplemented with the continuing lists which have been published in EFT since Winter, 1957. One might particularly add Tillyard's controversial section on Bennett in EPIC STR.JN IN THE ENGLISH NOVEL (1958), Vittoria Sanaa's ,JlNOLD BENNET E I ROKJiZI DELLE CITTa (1953), T.J. Roberts' article on "Matador" in THE GRiJJUaTE STUDENT OF ENGLISH (Summer, 1958), and James G. Hepburn's University of Pennsylvania thesis (1957). Mr. Hall's book, although it is not the big, thoroughgoing critical book that Bennett deserves, is nevertheless a commendable critical study of limited scope that belongs on the Bennett shelf beside the works of Pound, Lafourcade, Allen, Massoulard, and others. -— H.E,G, BOOKS RECEIVED Henry Adams. A HENRY ADAMS READER. Ed with intro by Elizabeth Stevenson. NY: Doubleday (Anchor), 1959. $1.25. Osborn Andreas. JOSEPH CONRAD: A STUDY IN N0N-C0NF0RIHTY. NY: Philosophical Library, 1959. $3.75. Armin Arnold. D.H. LAWRENCE AND AMERICA. NY: Philosophical Library, 1959. $6.00. Inglis Bell and Donald Baird. THE ENGLISH NOVEL, 1578-1956: A CHECKLIST OF TWENTIETH-CENTURY CRITICISMS. Denver: Swallow, 1958. $3.00. English Institute Essays: 1958. STYLE IN PROSE FICTION. Ed with fwd by Harold C. Martin. NY: Columbia UP, 1959. $4.00. Peter Green. KENNETH GRAHAME: A BIOGRAPHY, NY: World Pub Co, 1959. $6.00. James Hall. ARNOLD BENNETT: PRIMITIVISM /J© TASTE. Seattle: University of Washington P, 1959. $4.00. L. Virginia Holland. COUNTERPOINT: KENNETH 3URKE AND ARISTOTLE'S THEORIES OF RHETORIC. NY: Philosophical Library, 1959. $3.75. Richard M. Kain. FABULOUS VOYAGER: JAMES JOYCE'S "ULYSSES.» NY: Viking (Compass), 1959. $1.25. D.H. Lawrence. THE SELECTED POEMS OF D.H. LA RENCE. NY: Viking (Compass), 1959. $0.95. Germaine Mason. A CONCISE SURVEY OF FRENCH LITERATURE. NY: Philosophical Library, 1959. $4.75. Donald J. McGinn· and George tiowerton, eds. LITERATURE AS A FINE ART. Evanston, 111: Row, Peterson, 1959. $6.50. Dagobert D. Runes. A DICTIONARY OF THOUGHT. NY: Philosophical Library, 1959. $5.00. Reva Stump. MOVEMENT AIID VISION IN GEORGE ELIOT'S NOVELS. Seattle: University of Washington P, 1959. $4.50. William Wasserstrom. HEIRESS OF hLL THE AGES: SEX AND SENTIMENT IN THE GENTEEL TRADITION. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota P, 1959. $4.00. ...

