In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

V. In a letter, Mr. Brennan adds that the discussion of each of eleven novelists is preceded by ."a brief comic-theory-oriented biography and with some analysis of their views of the novel, of art, and of comedy.«,," Tangentially too I've discussed the comic novels of Wells, Bennett, Forster, Cary, Priestley, etc,... Austen and Dickens, Peacock and Mallock are also discussed historically,.., as are the New Humorists Wilde so scathingly opposed in the 1880s,,.e" Mrs, Marilyn Buehrer Saveson. "The Influence of Emile Zola Upon the Theory and Practice of Some English Novelists of His Time." Ph. D. Thesis. University of Cambridge (Girtin College), February, 1956. Abstract previously published in ABSTRACTS OF DISSERTATIONS APPROVED FOR THE PH. D., M. SC, /JiD M. LITT. DEGREES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF C/.MBRIDGE DURING THE ACADEMICAL YEi1R 1955-1956. Printed for the Board of Research Studies at the University Press, Cambridge, 1957. Pp. 172-73« ".... The introductory section..,contains a survey of English critical reactions to Zola between 1871 and 1905, with an analysis of Zola's influence upon English theories of the novel. It also contains a general analysis of Zola's theory and practice, with particular reference to those aspects which were to make a strong impact in England: sens du reel, construction, theme, and symbole "The main section»..describes the influence of Zola upon Henry James, George Moore, George Gissing, and Arnold Bennett. The personal reactions of each author to Naturalism and to Zola's theories are analysed and Zola's influence upon their novels is discussed in detail, Subject, construction, theme, symbolism, and style in the works of these four writers are compared, where relevant, with similar aspects of Zola's work, "Zola's influence upon James is found to lie chiefly in theory, subject matter, and in thomes; upon Moore, chiefly in the construction of a novel, from the smallest details to the overall plan. In Gissing the influence is found primarily in the area of subject-matter and in the use of large unifying symbols, the latter of which is also important in Zola's influence upon Bennett. Bennett shows, besides Zola's direct influence, the secondary influence of Moore and Gissing,..,." ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. a Minnesota Pamphlet Series: Although this series is not related to the EFT area in any way, it is the kind of university press activity that deserves publicity. Under the editorial guidance of William Van O'Connor, Allen Tate, and Robert Perm warren, University of Minnesota Press "will launch a series of pamphlets providing critical introductions to /jnerican writers." Scheduled for the falls Philip Young on Hemingway, Lawrence Thompson on Frost, William Van O'Connor on Faulkner. These pamphlets will contain about 48 pages and sell for $1.00o They appear to bo the American counterpart of the British Council (Longmans, Green) series of Writers and Their Work, 2. Anglo-American Journal: CRITIC//L QU.JlTERLY, intended to "fill the gap left by the death of SCRUTINY," first appeared Spring, 1959. Its American editor is R.J. Kaufmann (English, University of Rochester), to whom the $2.50 subscription remittance and MSS contributions can be sent. This journal concentrates on 20th-century English and 4jnerican literature, and the editors are "interested Vl. in lucid, direct, purposive critical essays on majop work by major writers of the past as well as ones on 20th century figures." EFT readers, I think, might be interested in "The English Island Myth" by Richard Gerber (no relative of the editor of EFT) and Bernard Bergonzi's "Chesterton and/or Belloc," a reviewarticle based on Penguin reprints of essays and poems by these two writers. The first two issuea seem very fine to me, sore lucid and less verbose than the material in ESSaYS IN CRITICISM, for example, less middle-brow than LONDON MaGaZINE, yet often provocative and acute. The first issues have a nice balance in the variety of material. 3. The Collins Classics in America: W.W. Norton Co. now is the American agent for the old (I believe chiefly edited in the 1920s), inexpensive, hardbound Collins Classics series. The list is especially rich in 19th-century titles. Of interest to EFT readers will be titles...

