In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Parents, and: The Succession, and: Marriage
  • Julia Hansen (bio)


Elizabeth, in the reign of King Edward

His hands were lion-like and large and I have slender fingers.Beneath my shift, I am purple, pleasing.This skin of mine, this womanly flush & fairness, these curvesguard the heart & stomach of a king.Video et taceo. I am my father's daughter.

The Succession

Elizabeth, in the reign of King Edward

A king is father to his people. My brotheris king. These bright coins of his reign, his facein profile. I collect them in my homemade coffers,I drop them on the table, the floorjust to hear that ring. He calls me Sweet SisterTemperance & we are slippery with names.We line up on paper, in the mindsof the people: first is Edward, then Mary & melast of all. On my walls, verdure tapestries: birdsin foliage. Their wings tuck backinto the pattern of leaves, their eyes peer wide likeunplucked fruit & they pausein the background, they are poised for flight. [End Page 103]


Elizabeth, in the reign of King Edward

All day the psalms echoed.Started in my throat & settled in the pitsof my teeth. Briefly,I was poured out like water.I'm still alive, & thriving.When he used to rouse me each morning,I shut my eyes. I blushedwhen he slapped me. His head came off cleanlylike hers. Sometimes I forgetthe white satin caul of my childhood is tight-fittedfear & you have power in your body if your bodyis owned. When I said queen I meant regent.Desire lurked in every joint of me, angling,& I never set it free—

And the Lord will send His angelsto close the lions' mouths.

Julia Hansen

Julia Hansen received the Academy of American Poets Prize (2008} and served as editor of Meridian from 2008 to 2009. Her poems have also appeared on Free Verse, and in Shenandoah.


