In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editorial / Éditorial
  • Laura Collins and Diane Dagenais

We would like to begin our editorial remarks by thanking Nicole Thibault, an outgoing member of the Board of Directors, for her six years of service to CMLR. Nicole is one of the representatives from Ontario, and since 2006 has admirably filled the role of secretary-treasurer. We warmly welcome the two newest members of the Board: Donna Patrick, Associate Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, and Callie Mady, Assistant Professor at Nipissing University. Both were elected over the past 12 months as the two representatives for Ontario.

There was also a change in the editorial staff over the summer. We offer our heartfelt thanks to Rachel McArthur and Candis Green for ensuring a smooth transition from one editorial assistant to another. Rachel has been an outstanding member of the CMLR team for the last two years. We very much appreciated her invaluable efficiency and fully enjoyed our close collaboration with her. We wish her well in her [End Page 177] doctoral work in English literature at the University of Toronto and will follow the development of her scholarly career with interest. Candis replaced Rachel in August. She was already familiar with some aspects of the journal, since she worked in the Circulation Department at University of Toronto Press Journals this past year, and we were able become acquainted when the editors met with the publishing team at UTP’s offices in May. We welcome Candis to CMLR and look forward to continuing to work closely with her.

We wish to remind readers that the deadline for the open call for proposals for the 2012 annual special issue is January 5, 2010. Details appear in this issue and on the CMLR Web site.

This issue features five articles and several book reviews that raise a number of important points to consider in examining language interactions and instruction in different institutional contexts. Tracey Derwing and Murray Munro report on a study of native English-speaking employees’ preferences for L2 accented voices and consider what issues it raises for ESL programming and English in the workplace. Stella Kong [End Page 178] examines the pedagogies of content-trained and language-trained teachers, highlighting a need for teachers to be aware of form–function relationships to ensure that content is explored in depth. Jérémie Séror describes international university students’ perspectives on the writing feedback they receive in content courses and discusses how institutional forces affect the ways instructors respond to L2 academic writing. Françoise Mougeon and Katherine Rehner analyze the degree to which university students who are graduates of FSL or French immersion programs use first-person plural subject pronouns nous and on in spoken French and consider the role of educational input in learners’ acquisition of stylistic variation patterns. In the ‘Focus on the Classroom’ section, Margaret Early and Cindy Yeung present an innovative story-creation project in secondary core French, designed to increase language awareness and language learning motivation by engaging students in authentic multimodal literacy practices. This issue also includes six thoughtful reviews of recently published books on language learning and teaching. These [End Page 179] various contributions are sure to stimulate readers’ thoughts on responses to language interactions at work and in educational settings. [End Page 180]

Nous aimerions tout d’abord remercier Nicole Thibault, membre sortante du conseil d’administration, pour ses six années de service auprès de la RCLV. Elle représente l’Ontario depuis 2006, et elle a admirablement rempli son rôle de secrét-trésorière. Nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir les deux plus récents membres du conseil Donna Patrick, professeure agrégée à l’Université Carleton d’Ottawa, et Callie Mady, professeure adjointe à l’Université Nipissing, élues au conseil au cours des douze derniers mois à titre de représentantes de l’Ontario.

Des changements sont aussi survenus à l’équipe de rédaction au cours de l’été. Nous désirons remercier chaleureusement Rachel McArthur et Candis Green pour avoir facilité la transition au poste d’adjointe à la rédaction. Depuis deux ans, Rachel McArthur s’est acquittée de façon exceptionnelle de ses tâches au...

