In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1. Offprints and Review Copies; One of the primary objectives of ENGLISH LITERATURE IN TRANSITION: 1800-1920 is to present to its readers annotated bibliographies of articles and books concerning British writers whose major work was published in the ELT period. When ELT first appeared in 1957, under the title ENGLISH FICTION IN TRANSITION, it contained brief annotated bibliographies of secondary works on about 3^ authors. Since 1957, ELT has continued its bibliographies of these writers and expanded its coverage to about 100 authors, publishing more than 5,000 annotations of articles and books. Major bibliographies of Bennett, Ford, Forster, Gissing, Kipling, Moore, "Sakl," and Strachey have appeared in ELT. Also complied, though not yet completely annotated or published, are about 5,000 entries concerning several of the writers listed at the end of this note. ELT hopes that annotated bibliographies of the writings about all major figures of the era will eventually appear In Its pages, and that selective bibliographies of the more important work concerning secondary and minor figures will also be prepared. However, the problems of annotating current scholarship, especially when combined with an effort to review significant new books, present demands not usually met with by other journals that only review books or note briefly current scholarship in annual cumulative bibliographies, editorials, or gatherum omnium notes. Though ELT teams are thorough In checking bibliographies of recent scholarship and criticism, the possibility always exists that some item may be mis&ed. To be certain of inclusion in ELT bibliographies, the authors of articles and books, and the publishers of books in the ELT field, should send two copies of offprints and two copies of books. Authors, especially, can help ELT by notifying their publishers that two copies of their work are necessary for inclusion in both ELT's bibliographies and ELT's book reviews. Copies of offprints and books are sent to annotators for analysis and abstracting in current ELT bibliographies. Often a second copy of an article is sent to a second annotator, or is marked and even cut up for filing in the ELT office. Books present an even more difficult problem than articles. In addition to annotating the main subject of the new book, ELT annotators try to abstract important references to all ELT authors. Meanwhile a second copy is usually sent to a reviewer, and new books are often called to the attention of readers two or more times in the pages of ELT: once in a review; and then in annotations. Because of the special nature of the material presented in ELT—annotated bibliographies and book reviews—the editors will appreciate the help of both scholars and publishers in their efforts to supply ELT with two copies of each work.' 1 ELT welcomes additions of material overlooked by its annotators and emendations or corrections of items previously published in any ELT bibliography. An effort is also made to cali attention to new editions, reprints and paperbacks of the work of ELT authors when these are issued. ELT AUTHORS vi The names on the left margin are now regularly listed in ELT. The indented names will be included as we have time to prepare basic bibliographies or as we find cooperating specialists. Indented and starred authors have major bibliographies about them in progress. [AE: George William Russell] [F. Anstey: T. A. Guthrie] Beards ley, Aubrey Beerbohm, Max Bennett, Arnold Beresford, J. D. Besant, Sir Walter Birrell, Augustine Blunden, Edmund Blunt, 171 If red Scawen Bridges, Robert Brooke, Rupert Buchan, John Butler, Samuel Cannan, Gilbert Chesterton, G. K. *Conrad, Joseph Crackanthorpe, Hubert Cunnlnghame-Graham, R. B. Davidson, John De Ia Mare, Walter De Morgan, William Douglas, Lord Alfred Douglas, Norman Dowson, Ernest Drlnkwater, John Ellis, Havelock Flecker, James Elroy Ford, Ford Madox Forster, E. M. Freeman, John Galsworthy, John George, W. L. Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson Glsslng, George Gosse, Edmund Granvilie-Barker, Harley Granville Gregory, Lady Augusta Guthrie, Thomas Anstey ["F. Anstey"] Haggard, Sir H. Rider *Hardy, Thomas Harland, Henry Henley, William Ernest Hewlett, Maurice Housman, Alfred Edward Housman, Laurence Hudson, W. H. Jerome, Jerome K. Johnson, Lionel Jones, Henry Arthur Kaye-Smith, Sheila Kipling, Rudyard Lang, Andrew *Lawrence, D. H. [Vernon Lee...

