In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

64 To end on a minor note, it is a pleasure to report that this book is set in most attractive type, and includes an excellent bibliography, with both Ford's own works, and the "works relevant to Ford" arranged In chronological order. The notes are often informative, and always written In the trenchant style which characterizes the book as a whole. BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Brlant, Keith. PASSIONATE PARADOX: THE LIFE OF MARIE STOPES. NY: Norton, 1962. Current-Garcia, Eugene, and Walton R. Patrick. REALISM AND ROMANTICISM IN FICTION: ANAPPROACHTOTHENOVEL. Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1962. Paper. $3.10. Forster, E. M. THE LONGEST JOURNEY. NY: Vintage, 1962. Paper. $1.65. FOUR MODERN PLAYS. NY, Toronto: Holt, RInehart & Winston, 1963. Revd ed. Paper. RInehart Editions. $0.95. Gissing, George. NEWGRUB STREET. Ed by Irving Stone. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962. Paper. Riverside Editions. $1.35. Haggard, H. Rider. SHE. Introduction by Morton N. Cohen. NY: Collier Books, 1962. Paper. $0.65. Harvey, David Dow. FORD MADOX FORD 1873-1939: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VJORKS AND CRITICISM. Princeton, NJ: Princeton U P, 1962. $10.00. Hugo, Howard E. (ed). ASPECTS OF FICTION: A HANDBOOK. Boston & Toronto: Little, Brown, 1962. Paper. Karl, Frederick R. A READER'S GUIDE TO THE CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH NOVEL. NY: Noonday P, 1962. Paper. $1.95. Kronenberger, Louis (ed). NOVELISTS ON NOVELISTS. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, I962. Paper. Anchor Books. $1.45 Partlow, Jr., Robert B. (ed). A LIBERAL ARTS READER. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentlcc-Hall, I963. $5.25. Runes, Dagobert D. (ed). CLASSICS IN LOGIC: READINGS IN EPJSTEM0L0GY, THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE AND DIALECTICS. Philosophical Library, 1962. $10.00. Scholes, Robert (ed). APPROACHES TO THE NOVEL: MATERIALS FOR A POETICS. San Francisco: Chandler, I96I. Paper. $1.95. Singleton, Ralph H. (ed). TWOAND TWENTY: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES. NY: St. Martin's P, I962. Wedeck, Harry E. DICTIONARY OF EROTIC LITERATURE. NY: Philosophical Library, 1962. $10.00. Wells, H. G. MEANVJHILE, Lond: Benn, 1962. 2nd ed. 16s. Wiley, Paul L. NOVELIST OF THREE WORLDS: FORD MADOX FORD. Syracuse: Syracuse u p, 1962. $5.50. ...

