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66 Mr. Corde 11's book, happily, has a good checklist of Maugham's works and a useful bibliography of books about Maugham. This study, while it does not (perhaps cannot) give Maugham's work the kind of critical attention that has been given to Conrad's, Joyce's, or James', is a reminder that a writer deserving serious attention does not have to be a "puzzle-maker." We are reminded that lucidity, even simplicity, can also be an aspect of artistic excellence. It is above all an excellent historical record of Maugham's life, the publication of his work, his critical reception, the sources for some of his works, and his attitudes toward subjects he treats in his work. — H. E. G. BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of EFT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Ausübe 1, Herman. IN HARD TIMES: REFORMERS AMONG THE LATE VICTORIANS. NY: Columbia U P, I960. $7.50. Booth, Wayne C. THE RHETORIC OF FICTION. Chicago: University of Chicago P, 1961. $6.95. Brown, Ford K. FATHERS OF THE VICTORIANS: THE AGE OF WILBERFORCE. Cambridge: Cambridge U P, 1961. $9.50. Eliot, George. THE MILL ON THE FLOSS. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961. Paper. Riverside Editions, B 54. $1.35. Fatout, Paul (ed.). LETTERS OF A CIVIL V/AR SURGEON. (Purdue University Studies). West Lafayette: Purdue University, 1961. Paper. $2.25. Gaston, Edwin W. Jr. THE EARLY NOVELS OF THE SOUTHWEST. New Mexico: University of New Mexico P, 1961. $5.00. Greene, John C. DARWIN AND THE MODERN WORLD VIEW. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U P, 1961. $3.50. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. THE SCARLET LETTER AND OTHER TALES OF THE PURITANS. Boston: Houghton Mifflfo, 1961. Paper. Riverside Editions, A 56. $1.25. Kelvin, Norman. A TROUBLED EDEN: NATURE AND SOCIETY IN THE WORKS OF GEORGE MEREDITH. Stanford: Stanford U P, 1961. $5.50. Lewis, C. S. AN EXPERIMENT IN CRITICISM. Cambridge: Cambridge U P, 1961. $2.95. Murry, J. Middleton. THE PROBLEM OF STYLE. Lond: Oxford U P, I960. Paper. Oxford No. 11. $1.25. Pettit, Lincoln. HOW TO STUDY AND TAKE EXAMS. NY: John F. Rider, I960. Paper. No. 274. 67 Reid, B. L. WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS: THE LYRIC OF TRAGEDY. Norman: University of Oklahoma P, 1961. $4.50. Rosenberg, John D. THE DARKENING GLASS: A PORTRAIT OF RUSKIN'S GENIUS. NY: Columbia U P, 1961. $5.00. Runes, Dagobert D. THE ART OF THINKING. NY: Philosophical Library, 1961. $2.75. Schorer, Mark (ed). NY: Oxford U P, 1961. Paper. Galaxy Book 64. $2.25. Simms, William Gilmore. THE YEMASSEE: A ROMANCE OF CAROLINA. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961. Paper. Riverside Editions, A 65. $1.25. Smith, D. J, AMATEUR ACTING AND STAGE ENCYCLOPEDIA. NY: Philosophical Library, 1961. $4.75. Townsend, F. Benjamin. JOHN DAVIDSON: POET OF ARMAGEDDON. New Haven: Yale U P, 1961. $8.50. Woodring, Carl R. PROSE OF THE ROMANTIC PERIOD. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961. Paper. Riverside Editions, B 57. $1.80. ...

