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CHECKLIST OF WRITINGS BY DOROTHY M. RICHARDSON By Gloria Gl¡kin (Brooklyn Col lege) The following checklist of writings by Dorothy M. Richardson and of biographical material about her brings together the whole of her miscellaneous work and the novel PILGRIMAGE, all published over the period of nearly half a century. Although single volumes of PILGRIMAGE may yet be found in bookstores dealing in rare and second-hand books, the "omnibus" edition of 1938 has become incomplete. The first volume, containing POINTED ROOFS, BACKWATER, and HONEYCOMB, is out of print both in England and America. Furthermore, although individual stories and poems by DMR have been included in collections or anthologies, they have never been gathered for republication. Similarly, her essays and reviews have not been reprinted. Thus, the bulk of her writing, except PILGRIMAGE, has until now remained largely unknown. This list of DMR's contributions to periodicals was compiled with the aid of Joseph Prescott's "A Preliminary Checklist of the Periodical Publications of Dorothy M. Richardson," STUDIES IN HONOR OF JOHN WILCOX, eds A. D. Wallace and W. 0. Ross (Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1958), pp. 219-25, which is absorbed in the present checkl1st. I. AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND LETTERS "A few facts for you...," SYLVIA BEACH (I887-I962). [Paris]: Mercure de France, I963. Pp. 127-28. "Beginnings: A Brief Sketch," TEN CONTEMPORARIES: NOTES TOWARD THEIR DEFINITIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY (second series), ed John Gawsworth (pseud of Terence Armstrong). Lond: Joiner & Steele, 1933. Pp. 195-98. "Data for Spanish Publisher," ed Joseph Prescott. THE LONDON.MAGAZI NE, Vl (June 1959), 14-19. "Seven Letters from Dorothy M. Richardson," ed Joseph Prescott. THE YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GAZETTE, XXXIII (Jan 1959), 102-11. II. BOOKS A. Non-fiction THE QUAKERS PAST AND PRESENT. Lond: Constable; NY: Dodge, 1914. GLEANINGS FROM THE WORKS OF GEORGE FOX. Lond: Headley, 1914. JOHN AUSTEN AND THE INSEPARABLES. Lond: Wi11iam Jackson, 1930. 1. Prefaces Black, E. L. WHY DO THEY LIKE IT? Educational Documents I. Paris: [?], 1927. Pp. ix~x. Dumas, F. Rîbadeau. THESE MODERNS: SOME PARISIAN CLOSE-UPS., trans Frederic Whyte. Lond: Humphrey Toulmin, 1932. Pp. 5-10. B. Novel 1· Fi rst Editions POINTED ROOFS, introd J. D. Beresford. Lond: Duckworth, 1915. BACKWATER. Lond: Duckworth, 1916. HONEYCOMB. Lond: Duckworth, 1917. THE TUNNEL. Lond: Duckworth, 1919 [Feb ]. INTERIM. Lond: Duckworth, 1919 [Dec ]. DEADLOCK. Lond: Duckworth, 1921. REVOLVING LIGHTS. Lond: Duckworth, 1923. THE TRAP. Lond: Duckworth, 1925. OBERLAND. Lond: Duckworth, 1927. DAWN'S LEFTHAND. Lond: Duckworth, 1931. CLEAR HORIZON. Lond: J. M. Dent £- Cresset P, 1935. PILGRIMAGE. Lond: J. M. Dent £■Cresset P, 1938, 4 vol-s. 2. American Editions POINTED ROOFS, introd J. D. Beresford. NY: Knopf, 1916. BACKWATER. NY: Knopf, 1917. (New ed 1919) HONEYCOMB. NY: Knopf, 1919. POINTED ROOFS, introd May Sinclair. NY: Knopf, 1919. THE TUNNEL. NY: Knopf, 1919. INTERIM. NY: Knopf, 1920. DEADLOCK, foreword Wilson Follett. NY: Knopf, 1921. REVOLVING LIGHTS. NY: Knopf, 1923. THE TRAP. NY: Knopf, 1925- OBERLAND. NY: Knopf, 1928. CLEAR HORIZON. NY: · Peter Smith, 1936. In the mid-thirties, Smith published the Il vols of PILGRIMAGE which had appeared separately; he purchased sheets from J. M. Dent. PILGRIMAGE. NY: Knopf, 1938. 4 vols. 3. Translations POINTED ROOFS, introd and notes Junzaburo Nishiwaki. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, [1934], III. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS This list was compiled with the aid of Joseph Prescott's "A Preliminary Checklist of the Periodical Publications of Dorothy M. Richardson," STUDIES IN HONOR OF JOHN WILCOX, eds A. D. Wallace and V/. D. Ross, Detroit. Wayne State UP, 1958, A. Reviews '"Days with Walt Whitman,"1 CRANK: AN UNCONVENTIONAL MAGAZINE, IV, (Aug 1906), 259-63. "The Reading of 'The Jungle,"1 ibid, IV (Sept 1906), 290-93. '"Jesus in Juteopolis,"1 ibid, IV (Oct 1906), 331-32. '"The Amazing Witness, "' ibid, pp. 332-34. "1In the Days of the Comet,'" ibid, IV (Nov I9O6), 372-76. '"How We Are Born,"1 YE CRAWK, V (Jan I907), 44-47. '"The Future in America,"' YE CRANK AND THE OPEN ROAD, V (Feb 1907), 95*99. "A Sheaf of Opinions: Lowes Dickinson's 1A Modern Symposium,"' IbId, V (Uar I907), 153-57. "A French Utopia," ibid, V (Apr 1907), 209-14. "Down with the Lords," ibid, V (May 1907), 257...

