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172 BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Cazamian, Louis. The Social Novel in England I830-I85O; Dickens, Disraeli. Mrs. Gaskell. Kingsley (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973ΤΓ $13.25 ----English Seventeenth-Century Verse, I, ed with an introduction, notes and comments by Louis L. Martz (NY: Norton, 1973 [first pub NY« Anchor, I963J). $4.95 Graham Greene ; A Collection of Critical Essays, ed by Samuel Hynes (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall [Twentieth Century Views], 1973). $5.95 cloth; $1.95 paper H. G. Wells» The Critical Heritage, ed by Patrick Parrinder (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972). $18.50 Heilbrun, Carolyn G. Toward a Recognition of Androgyny (NY: Knopf, 1973). $6.95 ~ ~ Hoffman, Daniel. Form and Fable in American Fiction (NY: Norton, 1973). $2.95 Holtz, Avraham. Isaac Dov Berkowitz; Voice of the Uprooted (NY: Cornell UP, 1973). $~8.50 Kahler, Erich. The Inward Turn of Narrative, trans by Richard and Clara Winston from "Die Verinnerung des Erzählens," in Untergang und Übergang (Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, I97O) (Princeton« Princeton UP, 1973). $9.50 New Voices in American Poetry: An Anthology, ed by David Allen Evans ^Cambridge, Mass« Winthrop, 1973). Our Own Thing» Contemporary Thought in Poetry, ed by Gretchen B. Crafts (Englewood Cliffs, NJ« Prentice-Hall, 1973). Waddington-Feather, John. Easy Street; A. Modern Morality Play (Youlgrave, Bakewell, Derbyshire« Hub, 1973). Wlecke, Albert 0. Wordsworth and the Subiime (Berkeley; University of California P, 1973T7 "$£.95 ...

