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57 letters. Sir Geoffrey Keynes was a friend of Brooke from the age of fourteen and like Brooke's other friends kept his letters, however trivial, condescending, or banal, yet during the vital period of Brooke's emotional growth and breakdown, from mid-1911 to mid-1912 Brooke appears not to have corresponded with him. Has he, we wonder, selected a picture of Brooke which fits in with the image in his own mind, for the Brooke who emerges from the letters of this central period is as shadowy as the Brooke of this period presented by Hassall and it is quite clear that a number of letters written during this period have been suppressed. Perhaps only when and if all the letters are deposited in the Brooke archive at King's College, Cambridge, shall we come to know the real Brooke. The publication of the Letters does not add anything to the reputation of Brooke; rather, it confirms our suspicions that maturity came late to him. The letters written during his University years are, most of them, somewhat puerile; his love letters to Katharine Cox are banal; his best letters are written to people such as Jacques Raverat and Frances Cornford, friends with literary and artistic interests like his own. Brooke appears to begin to mature as he emerges from his emotional crisis with Ka - but the war came and he was not given enough time. If Sir Geoffrey Keynes wanted to show us the real Brooke, he should have given us more - or less. The preparation of the Letters was done with conscientious and loving care, but for the average reader the sheer boring weight of them has merely helped to obscure the truth about Brooke; for the critic and the scholar nothing will serve until all the Brooke material has been made available. Dundee, Scotland Hilda D. Spear BOOKS RFCFIVFD Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of FLT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Brander, L. F. M. FÖRSTER. A CRITICAL STUDY. NY: Hillary House, I969. $8.00 CHARLES DICKENS' UNCOLLECTED WRITINGS FROM "HOUSFHOLD WORDS" (1850-1859). Ed with an Intro, by Harry Stone, 2 vols. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana UP, I969. $25.00 set. EDITING EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY TEXTS. Ed by D. I. B. Smith. Toronto : University of Toronto P for the Editorial Conference Committee, University of Toronto, I968. $6.00. FRANK PEARCE STURM. HIS LIFE, LETTERS, AND COLLECTFD WORK. Fd with an Intro by Richard Taylor. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, I969. #10.00 Gissing, George. NOTES ON SOCIAL DEMOCRACY. With an Introduction by Jacob Korg. Lond: Fnitharmon P, I968. £1.2.6. 58 Godfrey, Denis. E. M. FORSTER'S OTHER KINGDOM. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1968. #7.50. Graver, Lawrence. CONRAD'S SHORT FICTION. Berkeley: University of California P., I968. #7.50. James, Henry. THE AWKWARD AGE. NY: W.W. Norton Company, I969. Norton Library, N285. $1.95. James, Henry. IN THE CAGE AND OTHFR TALFS Ed with an Intro, by Morton Dauwen Zabel. NY: W.W. Norton, I969. Norton Library, N286. #1.95. LITERARY CRITICISM OF OSCAR WILDE. Ed by Stanley Weintraub. Lincoln , Nebr: University of Nebraska P, I969. Regents Critics. #2.25. Newell, Kenneth B. STRUCTURF IN FOUR NOVELS BY H. G. WELLS. The Hague-Paris: Mouton, I968. THE NOVEL: MODERN ESSAYS IN CRITICISM. Ed by Robert Murray Davis. Fnglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, I969. #3.95 paper; $6.95 cloth. Stone, Wilfred. THE CAVE AND THE MOUNTAIN A STUDY OF E. M. FÖRSTER. Stanford, Calif: Stanford UP, I969. #2.95 Paper. LETTERS OF ARNOLD BENNETT. VOLUME II. I889-I9I5. Ed by James Hepburn. London: Oxford UP, I968. 84s Worcester, David. THE ART OF SATIRE. NY: W.W. Norton, I969. Norton Library, N472. $1.95. MISCELLANEOUS REVIEWS 1. Short Fiction of the 1890's Wendell V. Harris. "Fiction in the English 'Experimental' Periodicals of the 1890's," Bulletin of Bibliography, XXV (Jan-Apr I968), 111-18. In this very useful bibTiography, which is more thorough and more systematic than the related materials that appear in E. L. Casford's pamphlet, The Magazines of the Nineties (Eugene: Ore, I929), Holbrook Jackson's The Eighteen Nineties (Lond...

