In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

11 THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1. Twelfth ELT Seminar (I968): The Aesthetics of the Problem Play: A Report: The Seminar at the MLA meetings In New York was attended by approximately thirty persons. Messrs. Levitt and Salerno gave brief position statements based on papers previously published In ELT, XI: k (I968). With W. Eugene Davis (Purdue University) as moderator, a lively discussion of the characteristics of the problem play ensued. We were also pleased to have Mr. Mario Frattl, the playwright, present and to hear his comments. Correspondence relating to the Seminar suggests that the aesthetic of the problem play and specific practitioners of the form warrant further discussion. Whatever the shortcomings of the problem play as practiced between I88O and about 1920, It Is evident that this phase of the history of the drama has been too much neglected In scholarly writing, that much more remains to be said. The pages of ELT are available. 2. Seminar (I968) on Secondary Bibliography Series: A Report: With Bruce E. Teets (Central Washington State College) as moderator , this Seminar was attended by approximately 20-25 persons. Mrs. Betty Drenkhahn (Northern Illinois University Press) announced the forthcoming publication of the Secondary Annotated Bibliography Series, volumes on Joseph Conrad (comp and ed by Bruce E. Teets and Helmut E. Gerber), W. Somerset Maughm (comp and ed by Charles Sanders), Thomas Hardy (comp and ed by Helmut E. Gerber and W. Eugene Davis), and E. M. Porster (comp and ed by Frederick P. W. McDowell) having been contracted; additional volumes on John Galsworthy, D. H. Lawrence, R. L. Stevenson, H. G. Wells, and others are under eonslderatlon. During the course of Informal discussion It was suggested that bibliographies be presented In chronological sequence, that until more sophisticated equipment becomes readily accessible they not be produced by a computor system, and that as varied a range of indexes be provided as possible. The group hoped to be able to convene at least once more during the I969 MLA meetings (in Denver!) in order to hear a progress report and to discuss such problems as might emerge in the preparation of the Conrad volume scheduled for Summer, 1970 publication. Note: we call your attention to the formal announcement on the inside back cover. 3. Thirteenth ELT Seminar: Joseph Conrad's Later Fiction. 1913 to 192^: MLA, Denver. December 27-30, 1969: Bruce E. Teets, as prospective Discussion Leader, is initiating the necessary petitioning procedure for MLA authorization of the thirteenth ELT Seminar. Tentative plans are "to reexamine Conrad's fiction from Chance (1913) to the last of his productions, to test prevailing concepts of the value of his later works, and, hopefully, to draw some original conclusions about them," Professor Teets plans to heve each member of a panel of Conrad scholars holding diverse views make a brief position statement, to be followed by general discussion. The position statements will be published in ELT, in fuller form than the oral statements, prior to the meeting. Ill When the proposed Seminar has been authorized by MLA, we shall notify ELT subscribers and provide additional details. We shall be particularly interested in papers on Conrad for possible publication in ELT, whether they are suitable for the Seminar program or not. Papers submitted for the proposed Seminar program should be so designated. 4. Contributors to the Annual Bibliographies: The annual bibliographies will not include authors on whom major projects for publication in the NIU Press Series have been contracted, nor those on whom projects are in progress for publication in ELT. After publication by NIU Press or in ELT of a bibliography in depth, we shall try to maintain a continuing bibliography on the author annually in FLT until a thorough supplement can be published . In order to continue the annual bibliographies, we shall need help with work on some authors. Professor James Haydock (Wisconsin State University, Oskosh) has agreed to maintain the Gissing listings; however, because of the number of items on Gissing now beginning to turn up, he will need some assistance. One volunteer 's name was unfortunately lost in an office move - may we hear from him again? and others? We are in urgent need of help...

