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173 also shows that Kipling was a racist; this conclusion is surely familiar. Chapter V, "The Princely India: the Distorted Vision," concludes, after 20 pages of commentary, that Naulahka "is a poor and unimpressive work. ..." One can only agree. Chapter VI, "KIm and the Indian Synthesis," is a wonderful little piece on the way in which Buddhism and Lamalsm informs KIm. It is a fine piece of criticism - the only one in the book. Needless to say, Mr. Cornell's book represents "the liberal, the more tolerant and understanding approach to" Kipling. Purdue University Philip M. Armato BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. AMERICAN LITERARY REALISM: I87O-I9IO, I (Fall I967). The first number of an American literature journal along similar lines as ELT. Edited in the English Department, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, 760IO. Anderson, Wallace L. EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON: A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION . Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967. Riverside Studies in Literature, LlO. Burgress, Anthony. TREMOR OF INTENT. NY: Norton, I967. Norton Library, N4l6. $1.65. Butler, Samuel. THE WAY OF ALL FLESH. NY: Harper and Row, I965. Harper Perennial Classic, P3030. $0.50. Cohen, Morton N. THE SEARCH FOR RUDYARD KIPLING. Syracuse: Syracuse University Library Associates, I966. (Pamphlet). Colby, Robert A. FICTION WITH A PURPOSE: MAJOR AND MINOR NINETEENTH -CENTURY NOVELS. Bloomington, Indiana U P, I967. $9.50. Cornell, Louis L. KIPLING IN INDIA. NY: St. Martin's P, 1966. $6.95. Costa, Richard Hauer. H. G. Wells. NY: Twayne Publishers, I967. JEAS, 43. $3.95. Dobree, Bonamy. RUDYARD KIPLING: REALIST AND FABULIST. Lond: Oxford U P, 1967. $5.75. Hardy, Thomas. GREAT SHORT WORKS OF THOMAS HARDY. Ed by Samuel Hynes. NY: Harper and Row, I967. Harper Perennial Classic, P3076. $1.25. Hardy, Thomas. JUDE THE OBSCURE. Ed by Robert B. Heilman. NY: Harper and Row, I966. Harper Perennial Classic, P3062. $0.95. Hardy, Thomas. THE MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE. Ed by Frederick R. Karl. NY: Harper and Row, I966. Harper Perennial Classic, P3065. $0.75. Hardy, Thomas. THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE. Ed by John Paterson. NY: Harper and Row, I966. Harper Perennial Classic, P3064. $0.75. Hardy, Thomas. THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE. Ed by A. Walton Litz. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, I967. Riverside Edition, BI06. $1.25. 174 Hardy, Thomas. TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES. Ed by Arnold Kettle. Ny: Harper and Row, I966. Harper Perennial Classic, P3066. So 8 ^i Hough, Graham. AN ESSAY ON CRITICISM. NY: Norton, I966. Norton Library, N415. $1.55. Howe, Irving. THOMAS HARDY. NY: Macmillan, I967. Masters of World Literature Series. $4.95. THE IMAGIST POEK: MODERN POETRY IN MINIATURE. Ed by William Pratt. NY: E. P. Dutton, I963. Dutton Paperback Original, D126. $1.25. Moore, George. A MUMMER'S WIFE. Foreword, Walter J. Miller. NY: Washington Square P, I967. $0.75. Nelson, James G. SIR WILLIAM WATSON. NY: Twayne Publishers, 1966. TEAS, 45. $3.95. Rao, K. Bhaskara. RUDYARD KIPLING'S INDIA. Norman: University of Oklahoma P, I967. THE READER'S GUIDE TO RUDYARD KIPLING'S WORK. Ed by R. E. Harbord. Kent: Gibbs & Son, I965-66. Limited Edition of 100 copies. SHORT STORIES FOR INSIGHT. Ed by Teresa Ferster Glazier. NY: Harcourt, Brace A World, I967. $3.25. Tompkins, J. M. S. THE ART OF RUDYARD KIPLING. Lincoln: University of Nebraska P, I966. Kipling Centenary Edition. With a New Introduction and Textual Corrections. $1.90. VICTORIAN ESSAYS: A SYMPOSIUM. Ed by Warren D. Anderson and Thomas D. Clareson. Kent: Kent State U P, I967. $4.50. VICTORIAN LITERATURE: SELECTED ESSAYS. Ed by Robert 0. Preyer. NY: Harper and Row, I966. Harper Torchbooks: Academy Library, TBI302. $2.95. Voorhees, Richard J. P.G. WODEHOUSE. NY: Twayne Publishers, 1966. TEAS, 44. $3.95. Wilde, Oscar. THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY. Ed by Jerry Allen. NY: Harper and Row, I965. Harper Perennial Classic, P3042. $0.50. Willey, Basil. MORE NINETEENTH CENTURY STUDIES. NY; Harper and Row, I966. Harper Torchbook; Academy Library, TB12621. $1.95. Willey, Basil. NINETEENTH CENTURY STUDIES: COLERIDGE TO MATTHEW ARNOLD. NY: Harper and Row, I966. Harper Torchbook, The Academy Library, TB1261L. $1.95. Williams, Raymond. MODERN TRAGEDY. Stanford...

