In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

11 THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1. Seminar 62: The Aesthetics of the Problem Play: MLA, New York, I968I The papers published In this number for the twelfth meetlng of the ELT Seminar suggest some of the lines for discussion. What Is the problem play? how does It differ from other types of drama? on what earlier conventions did It draw? what was Its influence on the drama? can we cull out of practice and criticism an Intelligible aesthetic for the problem play? Date : Sunday, December 29 Time : 1:15 to 2:30 Place: Chambord 12, Americana Hotel Discussion will be led by W. Eugene Davis (Purdue University). Bequests for admission should be addressed to him. 2. Seminar 39: Secondary Bibliography Series: MLA, New York, I968: This seminar Is intended to provide a forum for editors, compilers, bibliographers, Indexers, scholars, computer programmers, and representatives of university and private presses to discuss the problems of producing Inclusive annotated secondary bibliographies for publication as a series of reference books. ELT is at present in various ways associated with the production of volumes on Joseph Conrad, W. Somerset Maugham, Thomas Hardy, D. H. Lawrence and others. Members of the Seminar, representing different perspectives on secondary bibliographies, will have an opportunity to exchange ideas on questions Involving lncluslveness, the handling of foreign language entries, the arrangement of the contents, the kind of Indexes that should be devised, practical problems involved Ir various methods of production, and so on. Date : Saturday, December 28 Time : 1:15 to 2:30 Place: Chambord 12, Americana Hotel Discussion will be led by Bruce Teets (Central Washington State College). Requests for admission should be addressed to him. 3. Changes In the Wind: Beginning with Volume 12 (I969), we shall reorganize the staff and advisory board of ELT, although the Journal will remain an Independent, largely self-supporting publication. Changes In staff are necessitated by the Increased complexity of ELT activities, by the growing number of contributions we are receiving, and, of course, as a result of our move to Northern Illinois University. Although their names do not yet appear on the masthead, Arra Garab and William Williams of Northern Illinois University have already been very helpful In getting this number out on time. The English Department has been generous In supplying graduate assistant aid and secretarial help to see us through the chaos of moving and new administrative duties . 4. Who Will Cone to the Mountain? Our mountaln(s) simply will not go to Mohammed, much less to an unknown abstracter. The ELT Ill period has now become a field of hHL-building, If not mountainmaking , voléanos. Our small staff can no longer keep up with all the current scholarship on the thirty to forty authors we have been listing once each year in the Bibliography, News, and Notes section. Many of the people who have been contributing to the current bibliographies for several years are now contributing heavily to the several major projects we have in progress. We now need more help with the task of keeping our annual listing up to date. We hope to publish our annual updating bibliographies in the first number of Volume 12 (1969). At the present time we most urgently need abstracters to maintain the annual continuing listing on the following authors: Arnold Bennett, Samuel Butler, Ford Madox Ford, and George Gisslng. We most urgently also need persons willing to undertake the updating of previously annotated bibliographies on Rudyard Kipling and Henry Handel Richardson fairly massive supplements are needed on these writers. We would like to have someone complete the unpublished annotated bibliography on Olive Schreiner begun by Xanta Woodford. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Marie Corelll letters: Professor Richard L. Kowalczyk (UnIverslty ÖI' Detroit) is preparing an edition of the letters of Marie Corelll to Arthur Severn. He would appreciate hearing of the whereabouts of any letters from Corelll to Severn besides those in the University of Detroit Library. 2. Second International James Joyce Symposium: The second Joyce symposium will meet In Dublin from 10-16 June I969. The registration fee Is $15 for those who are not members of the James Joyce Foundation; for paid-up ($10 per year) Foundation members for I968...

