In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

11 EDITOR'S FENCE 1. The Seminar on Secondary Annotated Bibliographies. MLA, Denver . Colorado, 27-30 December 1969: The second meeting of this Seminar has been authorized by MLA. Date, Time, and Place of meeting will be announced later. We plan to bring together scholars , editors and contributors concerned with the compiling, annotating , Indexing, and edltlne of the proposed bibliographical series which to date includes volumes on Conrad, Maugham, Hardy, Forster , and Galsworthy; to discuss final procedures for indexincr and editing the first two volumes, to be published in 1970 by Northern Illinois University; and to discuss procedures for the completion of the contracted volumes on Hardy, Forster, and Galsworthy . The editors of the projected volumes will serve as a panel under the chairmanship of Helmut E. Gerber, Discussion Leader, and will present brief progress reports and outline the major problems that have arisen. 2. The Seminar on English Literature In Transition (1880-1920); Joseph Conrad's Later Fiction. 1913 to 192^. MLA. Denver, Colorado. 27-30 December 1969: We have applied for authorization of the thirteenth meeting of this Seminar for the MLA meetings in Denver, with Bruce E. Teets as Discussion Leader. It is the intention of Professor Teets to have the members of the Seminar re-examine Joseph Conrad's fiction from Chance (1913) to the last of his productions , to test prevailing concepts of the value of his later works, and, hopefully, to draw some original conclusions about them. Professor Teets plans to have a panel discussion by Conrad scholars, each of whom will briefly present his position on the chosen subject, to provide a basis for general discussion by the entire membership. The number of ELT to be published prior to the KLA meetintr will be open to papers bearing on the subject of the Seminar. Fapers should be submitted either to Professor Bruce E. Teets, Department of English, Central Washington State Collesce, or to the Editor of ELT, preferably prior to mid-September, 1969. 3. Conrad Secondary Annotated Bibliography: We are nearing completion of the Conrad project, the typescript of which is due at N.I.U. Press in November, I969, and which is scheduled for publication by Summer, 1970. We urgently need additional assistance to complete the abstracting of some items that have recently turned up or that have been inaccessible to the contributors to whom they were originally assigned. It would be particularly helpful to have the help of persons with fairly ready access to some of the larger libraries, especially those with good periodical and newspaper holdings. Since the Conrad volume will, in effect, launch the whole series being published by N.I.U. Press, it Is especially important that this volume set a high standard for completeness and accuracy. We shall welcome the assistance of persons who could abstract even as few as 25 entries. k. Hardy Secondary Annotated Bibliography: N.I.U. Press has ten- ill tatively scheduled the publication of the Hardy project for Summer , 1971. W. Eugene Davis and H. E. Gerber plan to complete most of the abstracting by the end of Summer, 1969. We would appreciate help with some elusive items, especially from persons planning to be in England this summer or from those near good periodical and newspaper holdings. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Robert L. Calder (Leeds) is completing a doctoral dissertation on the writings of William Somerset Maugham. 2. Mrs. Dara (Jerusha) McCormack is writing a thesis (Brandeis) on John Gray. She will, we expect, prepare an annotated bibliography of writings about Gray and perhaps a primary one for ELT. 3. Bernard Wlnehouse (1^5, Cheviot Gardens, London N. W. 2) has a Ph.D. thesis in progress at London University on Israel Zangwlll, Mr. Wlnehouse writes that his work will be a literary biography covering Zangwlll's career from its beginnings to about 1900. He would be pleased to correspond with others working on Zangwlll. k. K.P.S. Jochum (University of Illinois) is preparing his University of Frankfurt dissertation on W. B. Yeats's plays for publication by Gehlen*Verlag (Bad Homburg) in a series of monographs on English literature. 5. Harold F. Kosher, Jr.φ(Cincinnati), who has been a Fulbright Lecturer at...

