In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

43 BIBLIOGRAPHY, NEWS, AND NOTES Compiled and Edited by H. E. Gerber and Philip Armato This listing continues the one in ELT, X: 4 (1967), 204-40, where abstracts of writings about the following authors were given: Arnold Bennett, Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, John Buchan, Samuel Butler, Joseph Conrad, Hubert Crackanthorpe, Pearl Craigle, Ernest Dowson, Mary Duclaux, Havelock Ellis, Ford Madox Ford, E. M. Forster, and John Galsworthy. We include here unabstracted references to all pertinent articles and reviews we have published in ELT, IX: 5-6 (I966) and X: 1-4 (I967), as well as abstracts of items published elsewhere on the authors we have been listing regularly. We list only authors on whom we have published a selected bibliography, a bibliography in depth, or on whom a major project is in progress. Bibliographies wanted: Max Beerbohm, John Davys Beresford, Walter Besant, Gilbert Cannan, William de Morgan, W. L. George, H. Hider Haggard, Maurice Hewlett, Sheila Kaye-Smith, Hose Macaulay, William McFee, Compton Mackenzie, W. B. Maxwell, Leonard Merrick, C. E. Montague, Arthur Morrison, Oliver Onions, Edwin Pugh, Frank Swinnerton, Arthur Symons. GEORGE GISSING By Philip Armato We published an annotated bibliography of writings about Glssing In EFT, I: 1 (I967), 24-28; supplements In III: 2 (i960), 3-33; VII: I (1964), 14-26, VII: 2 (1964), 73-92; and additional items in various numbers since then, and Pierre Coustillas' primary bibliography of Gissing's short stories in VII: 2 (1964), 59-72. Philip Armato will continue to abstract items appearing currently. We are grateful to Pierre Coustillas for his contributions to the present listing. Gissing's Critical Studies of the Works of Charles Dickens (NY: Greenberg, 1924) has been reprinted (NYT Haskell House, I965). Pierre Coustillas Is editor and translator of a bilingual edition of Les Carnets d'Henry Ryecroft (Paris: Aubler-Montalgne, 1966). Arthur C. Young (Rutgers) Is preparing an edition of the collected correspondence of Gissing and requests information fGlsslng Newsletter, II (Dec 1966), 4], Badolato, Francesco. "George Glssing and Calabria," Glssing Newsletter, III (Apr I967), 5-7. GG traveled to Calabria because he was interested in its classical past. "GG emerges, during his journey, not only as a classicist, but also a man full of sensitivity, a human being who knew the needs of the poor people" of Calabria. Coustillas, Pierre. "Comptes Rendus," Etudes Anglaises, XX, (Apr-June I967), I98-99. Rev of Oswald H. Davis' George 44 Glssing: A Study in Literary Leanings (Lond, I966) [qv], a posthumous vol whicTi is addressed to the initiated and quietly Ignores chronology. Davis belongs to the group of critics who place GG's fiction above his other writings. Davis' originality lies in his rehabilitation of some minor novels like Denzll Quarr1er, The Town Traveller, and Isabel Clarendon. The book,"welcome as It is, should have been published when Davis was thirty; it would then have been an appropriate reply to Roberts' and Swinnerton's painful deprecations. [Coustillas] ..... "George Glssing à Alderley Edge," Etudes Anglaises, XX (Apr-June I967), 174-78. A presentation of a hitherto unknown GG article written at Siena on 24 Oct I897 and published In a school magazine, The Dlnglewood Magazine, Dec 1897, pp. 2-4. In the two-page introd to the article the text is given of a prospectus describing Llndow Grove School, where GG stayed as a pupil In I87I-I872. After the school was transferred to The Dingle, Colwyn Bay, GG promised his headmaster to write his reminiscences of "The Old School." It describes nostalgically his life there, but it omits GG's hatred of military exercises which was to be vehemently expressed in The Private Pajoers £f Henrjr Ryecroft (Spring XIX). [Coustillasj "" " ..........' " ..... "George Glssing: Textes Inédits. Edition Critique ," a these de doctorat d'université. Paris, I967. Consists of previously unpub materials in the Pforzheimer Library with an Introduction, pp. 3-82. Included texts: "The Hope of Pessimism" (philosophic essay); "Along Shore" (descriptive essay); "All for Love" (a short novel in 15 chs); "The last Half-Crown," "The Quarry on the Heath," "The Lady of the Dedication," "Mutimer's Choice," and "Their Pretty Way" (short stories). All but "Their Pretty Way" (1894) appear to have been written between 1880 and...

