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ARTHUR MACHEK: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS ABOUT HIK By Wesley D. Sweetser (State University College, Oswego, KY) The following bibliography Includes unpublished theses and all Items which I have been able to locate or Identify, except those which merely mention M or his works In passing. For further listings , see my dissertation "The Works of Arthur Machen" available through University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. Many of the Items below have been located subsequent to the completion of my dissertation in 1959 and are included in Adrian Goldstone's and my A_ Bibliography of Arthur Machen (Austin, Texas: University of Texas, 19o5). The Adrian Homer Goldstone Collection at the University of Texas Includes most of the items. Ad.cock.St. John. The Glory That Was Grub Street. Lond: Samson Low, Marston, [_1928J. FP· 213-44. M Is a nonconformist, Johnsonian, and Eohêmlan; genial in social life, but lonely In letters as Donne, Sir Thomas Browne, and Beddoes - has affinity with first two In religious mysticism and all three In the "sense of terror and mystery and spiritual beauty that, clothe even the simplicities and commonplaces of his everyday environment with wonder and occult significance." [_A fairly accurate thumbnail sketch.] Albrecht, William Price. Arthur Machen: A Critical Study. University of Pittsburgh MA thesis, 1934T M's is an aesthetic revolt against Victorlanism by means of symbol, but escapism with regard to contemporary events. M relied upon medieval, romantic, and decadent sources and upon folklore of Wales. Hill of Dreams reflects hedonism and preciousness. Later works show journalistic simplicity and vigor. Critical judgments against M: intolerance, futility, short-sighted literary criticism, poor characterization, escape into narrow aestheticism. In M's favor: suggestion of the unknown mysticism and supernaturalIsm. [Sound and reasoned in some respects but based upon the major works only with little knowledge of the man.] Allen, Trevor. "What They Say: A Dialogue," Bookman (Lond), LXVI (Apr 1924), 52-53. Rev of Dog and Duck: the author an absorbing figure, a strayed reveller of the nineties, an enigma, a philosopher. "A bluff, merry, wise, Falstaffian book, Is it not?" "Angelic Intervention at Mons," Literary Direst, LI (31 July 1915), 214. Discussion of M's and Dr. Horton's account of happenings at Mons. "The Angels of Mons," New York Times Book Review and Magazine.,XX (24 Oct.I915), 406. Rev rehashes controversy told in M»s Intro to the first Putnam ed. Book contains four legends. "They are well worth reading for their own intrinsic value. As the beginning of an interesting 'mythos' they will have a permanent place In the literature of war." "Arthur Machen: Master of Ecstasy, SIn, and Terror," Current Opinion, LXIII (Dec 1917). 408-9. Recount of Starrett's essay in Reedy's Mirror [qv]: attempts to explain neglect of a very great author. Fantasies real, reality fantastic. Works pervaded by an ever-Increasing sense of sin. Sorcery and sanctity are the only two realities. Each an ecstasy a withdrawal from common life. "Arthur Machen, Novelist, 84, Dies," New York Times, XCII (16 Dec 1947), 34. Obit. Eest known for his autobiographical Far Off Things and Things Near and Far. Largely unknown because of similarities to Stevenson. Batho, Edith C. and Bonamy Dobree. The Victorians and After: 1830-1914. Lond: Cresset P, 193"S. Pp. 153, W*, 312-13, 334. Brief blblio. Bowmen "has the distinction of having created a modern mythT" Superficial] Begbie, Harold. On the Side of the Angels: A Reply to Arthur Machen. Lond: Hodder & Stoughton, 1915- An attempt to prove that before M wrote The Bowmen angels appeared to the soldiers In France. CaITs M a hypocrite who is flippant about serious matters. [Way out] "Belles Lettres: London Adventure," Saturday Review of Literature (NY), I (29 Nov 1924), 329. Rev. "The book may mildly entertain an Idle hour, but ... it runs quite thin and is a mere footnote to Far Off Things." Benet, William Rose. "Gilt Gingerbread," Literary Review of the New York Evening Post. IV (26 Apr 1924), 705. Rev of Dog and Duck and Glorious Mystery: the first, a book of essays of pleasing nonchalance. M is a lopsided romantic, but In general essays he is thoroughly enjoyable, though slight and...

