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80 8 Mark Schorer, "Technique as Discovery," Forms o_f Modern Fiction, ed William Van O'Connor (Bloomington, Ind: Indiana U P, 1948), p. 27. 9 James G. Hepburn in The Art of Arnold Bennett (Bloomington, Ind: Indiana U P, 1963) places great emphasis on the scene: "... the devouring of the wedding cake points to the strategy by which Earlforward will destroy Violet. For in this grotesque moment in which he feels most alive, he develops the indigestion that is the first cause of his starving himself, of his starving Violet sexually , of his cancer (p. 39)·" 10 It is significant that the phrase "satin slipper" appears twice in Bennett's Notebook for Rlceyman Steps, now located in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library. I am grateful to Mr. John D. Gordan, Curator, for permission to examine the notebooks and to copy portions of them. I am also indebted to Sister Mary DePadua, Corpus Christi school, New York, who aided in deciphering the scrawled notes. 11 Allen, op_ cit, p. 96. 12 John Holloway, "The Literary Scene," The Modern Age (Pelican 7), ed Boris Ford (Baltimore Age TBaI Guide to English Literature, Vol Penguin Books, I96I), p. 6l. 13 Journal of Arnold Bennett, III (NY: Viking Press, 1933): "Dorothy I BennettJ was at the 1st performance of Rlceyman Steps. . . . Said the miserliness was far too insisted upon Instead of being revealed. . . . the thing was a failure" (p. 193). 14 "Plays and Pictures," Nation and the Athenaeum. XL, (4 Dec I926), 337: "The tempo of a novel is one thing, and the tempo of a play another .... In the novel a time-factor operates; there is a cumulation of little facts digested in time, and these effects cannot be got on the stage. As a play the thing lacks rhythm, and therefore dramatic value." ñfi 7 Letter to J. B. Pinker, 7 November I919, in G. Jean-Aubrey, Joseph Conrad, Life and Letters (NY: Doubleday, 1927), II, 234. 8 Letter to Eric Pinker, 30 June 1922, in Jean-Aubrey, II, 273. 9 Ibid. II, 234. 10 Guerard, p. 230. 11 Balnes, p. 428. 12 Letter to John Galsworthy, 8 June 1921, in Jean-Aubrey, II, 258. 13 Ibid, II, 258-59. 14 Letter to Ambrose J. Barker, 1 September 1923, in Jean-Aubrey, II. 322. 15 Letter to J. B. Pinker, in Jean-Aubrey. II, 233-34. 16 Letter to John Galsworthy, in Jean-Aubrey, II, 257. 17 Balnes, p. 330. 18 Ibid, pp. 337-38. 19 Irving Howe, Politics and the Novel (NY: Horizon, 1957), p. 94. Xy****** %w», ...

