In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE HENRY JAMES REVIEW Index to Volume 11 Abbott, Reginald. The Incredible Floating Man: Henry James's Lambert Strether..............................................176-88 DemasÃ-es, William W. Review of Brenda Murphy, American Realism and American Drama, 1880-1940....................220-22 Fussell, Edwin. Henry James's Gentle Heretics and the Old Persuasion: Roman Catholicity in The Golden Bowl............30-41 Gage, Richard P. Review of Benjamin Newman, Searching for the Figure in the Carpet in the Tales of Henry James: Reflections of an Ordinary Reader.............................223-25 Gray, Larry A. Sibyls, Seekers, and Sacred Founts in the Tales of Henry James..............................................189-201 Jacobson, Marcia. Review of Michael Anesko, "Friction With the Market" : Henry James and the Profession of Authorskip.......72-73 Jobe, Stephen H. A Calendar of the Published Letters of Henry James: Part 1............................................................1-29 ---------. A Calendar of the Published Letters of Henry James: Part II.........................................................77-100 Lyons, Richard S. Ironies of Loss in The Finer Grain...................202-12 McDonald, Henry. Neitzsche Contra Derrida: Two Views of Henry James's 'The Birthplace"..............................133-48 Milliman, Craig A. Review of Joyce A. Rowe, Equivocal Endings in Classic American Novels...................................149-51 Raphael, Linda. Levels of Knowing: Development of Consciousness in The Wings of the Dove.......................................58-71 Sherbo, Arthur. Jamesian Gleanings......................................42-57 Tinmer, Adeline. Review of Margaret D. Setz and Mark Samuels Lasner, England in the 1880' s: Old Guard and Avant Garde............74-75 Wilkinson, Myler. Henry James and the Ethical Moment................153-75 Zacharias, Greg W. James's Morality in Roderick Hudson...............115-32 Zauhar, Frances Murphy. Review of Adeline R. Tintner, The Book World of Henry James: Appropriating the Classics and The Pop World of Henry James: From Fairy Tales to Science Fiction.............................................213-19 Zorzi, Rosella Mamoli. Henry James in a "Venetian" Diary.............101-14 Index to Volume 11.........................................................226 ...

