In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE HENRY JAMES REVIEW Volume I, 1979-80 Author Index Allen, John J. The Governess and the Ghosts In The Turn of the Screw...........................73-80 Announcements...................................................................................276 Babilha, Thaddeo K. A Note on the James and Hawthorne Sections In Leary's Articles on American Literature, 1968-75..........................................,........267-68 Cosgrove, William and Irene Mathees. "To See Life Reflected": Seeing as Living in The Ambassadors................................................................................204-10 Dyson, J. Peter, Bartolozzi and Henry James's "Mora Montravers"................................264-66 Edel, Leon. Westminster Abbey Address..........................................................5-9 Fogel, Daniel Mark. From the Editor............................................................1-4 ________________From the Editor..................................................................123-24 Grlgg, Quay. The Novel In John Gabriel Borkman: Henry James's The Ambassadors..................211-18 Hewitt, Rosalie. Henry James's The American Scene: Its Genesis and Its Reception, 1905-1977..................................................................................179-96 _________________Review of Edward Wagenknecht, Eve and Henry James: Portraits of Women and Girls in his Fiction...................................................................110-12 Hocks, Richard A. Palsy Mil 1er. Backward Into the Past: A Centennial Essay.....................164-78 Kennedy, J. Gerald. Review of H, Peter StowelI, Literary Impressionism, James and Chekov.....................................................................................272-73 K imba 11, Sue L. Correspondence.................................................................274-75 Klmmey, John L. The "London" Book..............................................................61-62 Kirby, David. Review of Daniel J. Schneider, The Crystal Cage: Adventures of the Imagination In the Fiction of Henry James..................................................102-05 Lawry, Edward G. Correspondence................................................................117-21 Levy, Leo B. The Golden Bowl and "The Voice of Blood"..........................................154-63 MaInI, Darshan S ingh. Washington Square: A Centennial Essay....................................81-101 Mathees, Irene. See Cosgrove. 277 Middleton, David. Review of J. N. Sharma, The International Fiction of Henry James.............269-71 O'Gorman, Donal. Henry James's Reading of The Turn of the Screw: Part I........................125-38 __________Henry James's Reading of The Turn of the Screw: Parts Il and III.....................228-56 Rambeau, James. Review of two new Norton Critical Editions, The American and The Wings of the Dove.............................................„............................112-15 Routh, Michael. Isabel Archer's Double Exposure: A Repeated Scene in The Portrait of a Lady..................................................................................262-63 Saldivar, Ramon. Review of Jeanette King, Tragedy in the Victorian Novel: Theory and Practice in the Novels of George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, and Henry James..................197-98 Schneider, Daniel J. James's The Awkward Age: A Reading and an Evaluation.......................219-27 Sharp, Sister Corona. Review of Mary Doyle Springer, A Rhetoric of Literary Character: Some Women of Henry James.......................................................105-07 Stal I man, R. W. Correspondence.................................................................116 Tedford, Barbara Wllkie. The Attitudes of Henry James and Ivan Turgenev Toward the RussoTurkish War................................................................................257-61 Tlntner, Adeline R. "An International Episode": A Centennial Essay on a Centennial Story.......24-60 Tuttleton, James W. Rereading The American: A Century Since....................................139-53 Walter, James. Review of Brian Lee, The Novels of Henry James: A Study of Culture and Consciousness..............................................................................198-200 Ward, J. A. Henry James and Graham Greene.....................................................10-23 Warren, Austin. Review of Sergio Perosa, Henry James and the Experimental Novel................107-110 278 ...

