In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Announcements The Journal has received the following announcements and calls for papers. Requests for indusion in future issues should be limited to 100 words and sent to: Managing Editor, Journal of Women's History, c/o Department of History, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. Such announcements will appear in only two issues. Submissions sought for Women of the American South: A Multicultural Reader, edited by Christie Farnham for New York University Press. Please send manuscripts or descriptions of works in progress for consideration to Christie Farnham at 2994 Bankers Drive, Bloornington, IN 47408. E-MaU "". The Sodal History Society of the UK announces that its 1997 conference on "Time and the Construction of the Pasf ' wiU take place January 3-5 in Lancaster, England. Offers of papers on the following themes are invited: time and gender; calendars; ritual and leisure time; seasonatity; the concept of time; the historical construction of "the past"; and time, popular memory, and nostalgia. Please dired all inquiries and proposals to Mrs. Linda Persson, secretary, Social History Sodety, Department of History, Lancaster University, Lancaster LAl 4YG. Tel. 01524 592605; e-mail: Deadline for paper proposals is May 31,1996. The Minnesota Historical Society's research department each year makes avaUable grants to support original research and interpretive writing on the history of Minnesota by academicians, independent scholars, and professional and nonprofessional writers. Preference is given to projeds that wiU produce article- or book-length manuscripts to be considered for publication in Minnesota History, the Sodety's quarterly, or by the Minnesota Historical Society Press. EspedaUy encouraged are projects that add a multicultural dimension to the area's history and that cover subjeds not now well represented in the published record, including agriculture, urban history, workers and work, historic preservation, medicine, and sports. Grants are not awarded to support work on dissertations or theses or to assist in the purchase of computers or other equipment. Applications deadlines are October 1, January 1, and March 1. For a set of quidelines and an appUcation form, write to Deborah L. Müler, Research Department, Minnesota Historical Sodety, 345 Kellogg Blvd. West, St. Paul, MN 55102 or call Florence Regan at (612) 297-2221. ...

