In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Announcements The Journal has received the foUowing announcements and calls for papers. Requests for inclusion Ui future issues should be limited to 100 words and sent to: Managing Editor, Journal of Women's History, c/o Department of History, Ballantine HaU 742, Indiana University, Bloomington , IN 47405. Such announcements wiU appear in only two issues. AFEMINIST COMPANION TO FRENCH LTTERATURE. The editors seek contributors for this encydopedic volume to be pubUshed by Greenwood Press. The work wiU include 600 to 700 entries devoted to the Uterature of France of aU periods written by women. Women writers from other francophone cultures wül be induded only if they Uve(d) or work(ed) primarily in France. The entries, which wtil vary in length from several paragraphs to five pages, will view individual writers, periods, critical theories, themes, genres, organizations, archives, historical events, social conditions , and institutions from a feminist perspective. For a Ust of topics, please write to the general editor, Eva Sartori, 203B Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0410 (tel: 402-472-6987; emaü: The Humanities Centre at the University of Victoria presents a conference on Praxis/Nexus: Feminist Methodology, Theory, Community at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on January 18-20, 1996. Keynote speakers at the conference include Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva. For further information caU or write to: Praxis/Nexus c/o Pamela Moss, Department of Geography, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3050, Victoria, BC, Canada V8N3P5, Phone: (604) 721-7347, Fax: (604) 721-6216, or E-Mail: A conference on Long Island Women: Activists and innovators wtil be held at Hofstra University, March 22-23,1996. For further information, contact Athlene Collins, Conference Coordinator, Cultural Center, 109 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY11550-463-5669. The Eighteenth Annual North American Labor History Conference on "Memory and the Re-telling of Working Class Lives" wül be hdd at Wayne State University Ui Detroit, Odober 17-19,1996. We are interested in sessions or papers which explore pubtic and private memory Ui working class and labor history. Furthermore, we continue to be interested in the submission of proposals that incorporate Latin American, European, African, and Asian comparisons. Please submit panel and paper proposals (Uiduding a 1-2 page paper abstrads and cvs for aU participants) by Mardi 1,1996 to: Etizabeth Faue, Coordinator, North American Labor History Conference, Department 1995 Announcements 205 of History, 3094 FaaUty/Administration BuUding, Wayne State University , Detroit, MI48202 or phone (313) 577-2525. Grants avaüable to Irish-American Studies: Grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 for scholars of all disciplines whose work examines the IrishAmerican experience are avaüable from the Irish American Cultural Institute QACl), an educational foundation based Ui St. Paul, Minnesota. For further information call or write the Irish American Cultural Institute, 2115 Summit Avenue, #5026, St. Paul, MN 55105, phone (612) 962-6040. Proposals treating the Irish in the Midwest or New York are especiaUy encouraged. Scorpio Press, a new independent pubUsher, seeks proposals for books on individuals, groups, or movements Ui women's history. Authors who have written dissertations on relevant topics and are wUUng to adapt their scholarly work for a wider audience are welcome. African-American history is a particular area of interest. Write Lynn Page Whittaker, Editor-inChief , Scorpio Press, 427 Old Town Court, Alezandria, VA 22314, for proposal guidelines. The Annual Conference of the Social History Sodety of the U.K. wül be held January 4-6,1996, at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. This conference will provide an opportunity to discuss and debate key themes and controversies thrown up by recent research into the historical definition of and meaning of work, particularly relating to issues of gender , ethnidty, skill, health, and class. Enquiries about the conference and requests for booking forms should be addressed to: The Administrative Secretary, Sodal History Sodety, Centre for Social History, Lancaster University , Bailrigg, Lancaster, LAl 4YG; telephone 01524 592605. The fifth conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI) will take place at the University for the Humanist Studies Ui Utrecht, the Netherlands. Abstracts...

