In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Announcements The Journal has recdved the foUowing announcements and caUs for papers. Requests for indusion in future issues should be limited to 100 words and sent to: Managing Editor, Journal of Women's History, c/o Department of History, BaUantine HaU 742, Indiana University, Bloomington , ΓΕ 47405. Such announcements wiU appear in only two issues. The Ninth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, 'Transformations: Women, Gender, Power," will be June 11-13, 1993, at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY. The National Council for Research on Women Directory Series has added three new multi-indexed titles to its list A Directory of National Women's Organizations ($40); A Directory of Women's Media ($30); and A Directory of Works-in-Progress and Recent Publications ($30). For more information, write: National Council for Research on Women, 47-49 East 65th Street, New York, NY10021. Telephone: Dawn Henry at (212) 570-5001. The Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press is "auctioning" off its twenty-year coUection of over 600 women's periodicals to the most suitable location to maximize its use. For more information, write: Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, 3306 Ross Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008. Telephone: Chris Delboni, Archives Coordinator, (202) 362-5694 (FAX 202363 -5694). The Southem Oral History Program and the Southem Historical Collection are pleased to announce the pubUcation of "Women's Voices in the Southem Oral History Program CoUection," ($17) a guide to oral history interviews with women at the University of North CaroUna at Chapel HiU. For more information, write: Jacquelyn Dowd HaU and JuUa Cherry SpruiU, The University of North CaroUna at Chapel HiU, CB# 3195,406 HamUton HaU, Chapel HUl, NC 27599-3195. Telephone: (919) 962-8076. The Alternative Press Center announces its first annual cumulative index of 216 journals renowned for outspoken and provocative perspectives not indexed in any other pubUcation. The cumulative index for Volume 23,1991, is avaüable from the Alternative Press Center, P.O. Box 33109, Baltimore, MD 21218. Telephone: (410) 243-2471. The price is $50 through December 1992, with spedal discount for individual, non-profit, and movement groups. Call or write for more information. "Back-AUey Detroit: Abortion Before Roe v. Wade," a documentary produced and directed by Daniel Friedman amd Sharon Grimberg, is now available 1993 Announcements 213 from Filmakers Library, 124 E. 40th Street, New York, NY10016. Telephone: (212) 80&4980. The annual Conference on New York State History, hosted by the Women's Rights National Historical Park in Seneca FaUs, New York, wiU take place June 45,1993. For more information, write: Stefan Bielinski, Conference on New York State History, 3093 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY12230. Telephone: (518) 474-6917. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies is calling for papers for a special issue on feminist biography. Send vitae and essays by June 15, 1993, to: Janet Sharistanian, Department of English, 3116 Wescoe HaU, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-2115. Telephone: (913) 8644520. Women Express, Inc. proudly announces Teen Voices magazine, designed to help address the needs of teenage women, particularly those in high risk populations, with letters, artides, fiction, and poems written by and for teens. For more information, write: Women Express, Inc., JFK P.O. Box 6009, Boston, MA 02114. Telephone: (617) 522-3250 or (617) 227-4557. The Western Assodation of Women Historians announces its twenty-fourth annual conference at Stanford Sierra Camp, Lake Tahoe, California, April 30-May 2,1993. For information, write: Sarah Stage and AUce Wexler, History Department, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute of Raddiffe CoUege is sponsoring seven different feUowship programs with terms varying from summer 1993 to the fuU 1993/94 academic year. For more information, write: Raddiffe CoUege, The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute, Raddiffe Research and Study Center, 34 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. Telephone: (617) 4958212 . The University of Wisconsin Women's Studies Consortium, in cooperation with Russian ferninist scholars, announces a broad-ranging request for proposals for working partnerships. For information, write: Sarah Harder, Women's Studies, UW-Eau Claire, Eau Qaire, WI 54701. Telephone: (715) 836-5717. Queen's University of Belfast wiU host the Irish Conference of Historians on Women...

