In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Most of the entries in this bibliography were catalogued in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) database between December 1, 2008 and March 31, 2009. This search is based largely on pre-publication information; titles may have been changed or cancelled.

Reference Works

Braham, Randolph L., and Julia Bock, eds. The Holocaust in Hungary: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography. 2000-2007. New York: Rosenthal Inst. for Holocaust Studies, 2008. xv + 224 pp., ind.
German Occupation of Kiev in 1941-1943: Documents of the Nazi-Controlled City Administration. Finding Aids. Minneapolis, MN: East View Information Services, 2008. 65 pp.
Guzenberg, Irina, Olga Movšovič, and Jevgenija Sedova, eds. Ašmenos, Svierių, Švenčionių apskričių getai: kalinių sąrašai, 1942. Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejus, 2009. 720 pp. Lithuania, Belorussia, registers.
Kondratov, S. A. Fashizm i antifashizm: Entsiklopediia v dvukh tomakh. Moscow: Terra, 2008. 512 pp., ill.
Kopciowski, Adam. Księgi pamięci gmin żydowskich: Bibliografia. Lublin: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłstrokeodowskiej, 2008. 141 pp., bibl.
Megargee, Geoffrey P., ed. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945. Volume 1, Early Camps, Youth Camps, and Concentration Camps and Subcamps under the SS-Business Administration Main Office (WVHA). Bloomington: Indiana University Press in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2009. 1,796 pp., bibl., ill., maps, ind.
Peterson, Shane D., and Brian Vetruba, eds. The Whitney R. Harris Third Reich Collection: Materials Added to the Collection, 1999-June 30, 2008. St. Louis: Washington University, 2008. 211 pp., ind. [End Page 320]
Schaefer, Richard T., ed. Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society. Volume 3, P-Z. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008. 1,752 pp., ill.
Schmidt, Amy, and Gudrun Loehrer, eds. The Mauthausen Concentration Camp Complex: World War II and Postwar Records. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 2008. viii + 367 pp., ind., ill.
Schulman, William L., ed. Directory 2009: Association of Holocaust Organizations. Houston, TX: Holocaust Museum Houston, 2009. 272 pp.
Showell, Jak P. Mallmann. Hitler's Navy: A Reference Guide to the Kriegsmarine, 1935-1945. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2009. 224 pp.
Vitkine, Antoine. Mein Kampf: Histoire d'un livre. Paris: Flammarion, 2009. 309 pp. German political history, reference book.

The Holocaust and Other Nazi-Era Crimes

Achim, Viorel. Evreii în cadrul recensământului general al României din 6 aprilie 1941. Bucharest: Editura Institutului Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România "Elie Wiesel," 2008. 66 pp., bibl. Holocaust, Romania.
Alker, Stefan, Christina Köstner, and Markus Stumpf. Bibliotheken in der NS-Zeit: Provenienzforschung und Bibliotheksgeschichte. Göttingen: Vienna University Press, 2008. 349 pp., ill. Book thefts, libraries, National Socialism.
Bahr, Raimund, ed. Für Führer und Vaterland: Das Salzkammergut 1938-1945. Vienna: EAS, 2008. 218 pp., bibl.
Bankier, David, and Dan Michman, eds. Holocaust Historiography in Context: Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements. New York: Berghahn, 2009. 614 pp., bibl., ind.
Beris, Liviu, ed. Holocaust: Tinerii întreabă., supravieţuitorii răspund. Bucharest: Editura AERVH, 2008. 303 pp., bibl. Holocaust victims.
Blas, Amos. Halom o metsi'ut. Tel Aviv: Halonot, 2008. 173 pp. Holocaust survivors.
Blatman, Daniel, and Renée Poznanski. Les marches de la mort: La dernière étape du génocide nazi été 1944-printemps 1945. Paris: Fayard, 2009. 589 pp., bibl., ind., ill., maps. [End Page 321]
Böddrich, Zsanett. Jugend im Zeichen des Holocaust: Ein Vergleich des Tagebuchs der Anne Frank mit Imre Kertész' "Roman eines Schicksallosen." Saarbrücken: VDM, 2008. 108 pp., ill.
Buxbaum, Elisabeth. Transit Shanghai: Ein Leben im Exil. Vienna: Steinbauer, 2008, 206 pp., bibl., ill. Refugees, Jewish, China.
Carp, Matatias. Cartea neagra: Le livre noir de la destruction des Juifs de Roumanie (1940-1944). Paris: Denoël, 2009. 706 pp., bibl., ind., ill., maps.
Chiappano, Alessandra. Essere donne nei lager. Florence: Giuntina, 2009. 273 pp. Female concentration camp inmates, deportations from Italy.
Ciuceanu, Radu, and Ion Constantin. Masacrele de la Katyń. Bucharest: Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 2008. 262 pp., bibl., ind., ill.
Daws, Gavan. Zajatci Japonců: Váleční zajatci druhé svčtové války v Tichomoří. Prague: BB/art, 2008. 443 pp., ill. Prisoners of war, Japan.
Desbois, Patrick...

