In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Abstracts of Papers Presented at the ASHE Annual Meeting6–8 November 1997
    Alburquerque, New Mexico

Each year contributors at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education are requested to submit their papers for review and possible inclusion in a special ERIC collection of ASHE presentations. Included in this issue of The Review are summaries of selected papers. These papers are indexed in the Resources in Education (RIE) Subject Index under “ASHE Annual Meeting” with a publication date of 1997.

Microfiche (MF) or paper copies (PC) of individual papers can be ordered through the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, 7420 Fullerton Road, Suite 100, Springfield, VA 22153-2852. VISA and MasterCard orders are accepted at 1-800-433-ERIC. Prices quoted are not prepaid.

Jann E. Freed
Central College (Iowa)

Leading Continuous Quality Improvement on Campus: This Train Is Going North. Explores the role of leadership, especially that of the college president, in applying continuous quality improvement (CQI) principles through interviews with senior leadership teams and analysis of documents. Identifies primary themes of the CQI effort as related to personal characteristics of the president and interpersonal dynamics. (ERIC ED 415 794, 37 pp., MF $1.42, PC $8.42, + postage.)

J. Fredericks Volkwein, Alberto F. Cabrera
University at Albany
Pennsylvania State University

The Undergraduate Classroom Experience: Factors Associated with Its Vitality. Uses measures of academic and social integration, student effort and involvement, encouragement of family and friends, financial need and ability to pay, race and campus climate, and goal clarity to examine factors in the undergraduate classroom experience that students associate with classroom vitality. Important qualities are a campus climate of tolerance, faculty concern for students, and students’ own academic effort and involvement. (ERIC ED 415 795, 12 pp., MF $1.42, PC $4.21, + postage.)

Yukiko Innoue
University of Guam

The Educational and Occupational Attainment Process for American Women. Uses the Wisconsin model to evaluate data from the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 concerning outcomes for 2,160 seniors 14 years after high school graduation. Finds that educational attainment is the strongest predictor of occupational attainment; that the primary influence on educational attainment is educational aspiration and gender; and that academic performance is primarily a function of ability. (DB) (ERIC ED 415 796, 32 pp., MF $1.42, PC $8.42, + postage.)

Daniel W. Lang
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Amos Brown and the American Land Grant College Movement. Reviews the effects of the Agricultural College Act (1862), which established land grant colleges, on higher education in the United States, focusing largely on the role of Amos Brown, president of The People’s College in New York, which served as a model for the act. Concludes that Brown might appropriately be considered the “adoptive father” of the act and the land grant university concept. (ERIC ED 415 797, 37 pp., MF $1.42, PC $8.42, + postage.)

Robert J. Stout
Palmer College of Chiropractic

The Effectiveness of Economic Impact Studies by Liberal Arts Colleges: A Case Study. Uses the case study method and focus group interviews to examine the effects of economic impact studies on the community of a small liberal arts college. Results suggest that such studies may be ineffective for public relations as they do not promote consumption benefits, they estimate unimportant impacts, and they do not change attitudes about the economic importance of colleges. (ERIC ED 415 798, 23 pp., MF $1.42, PC $4.21, + postage.)

John S. Levin
University of Arizona

The Cultures of the Community College. Reviews the literature on specific and multiple organizational cultures in the community college. Identifies four dominant cultures: traditional, service, hierarchical, and business. Analysis from functionalist and interpretive perspectives suggests multiple cultures with considerable variance among community colleges. (ERIC ED 415 799, 26 pp., MF $1.42, PC $8.42, + postage.)

Elizabeth G. Creamer
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Knowledge Production, Publication Productivity, and Intimate Academic Partnerships. Analysis of interviews with 27 tenured faculty members who had coauthored one or more scholarly publications with a spouse or partner identifies three patterns of collaboration: short term, intermittent, and long term. Findings suggest that respondents felt the physical proximity...
