In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 21

Author Index to Volume 21

Indexed by issue number and page

Allen, Walter R., 3:279

Altbach, Philip G., 2:111

Altbach, Philip G., 3:205

Astin, Alexander W., 2:115

Becker, William E., 4:427

Bell, Stephen, 2:179

Bischoping, Katherine, 2:179

Clayton-Pedersen, Alma R., 3:279

Cureton, Jeanette S., 2:137

Conrad, Clifton F., 1:103

Dickens, Cynthia Sullivan, 1:79

Dundar, Halil, 4:427

Duren, Katherine M., 1:103

Hamrick, Florence A., 4:343

Hurtado, Sylvia, 3:279

Hutcheson, Philo, 3:303

Jackson, Lisa R., 4:359

Johnsrud, Linda, 4:315

Johnstone, D. Bruce, 3:245

Keller, George, 3:267

Kuh, George D., 1:43

Levin, John S., 4:405

Levine, Arthur, 2:137

Michael, Steve O., 4:377

Milem, Jeffrey F., 3:279

O’Neil, Robert M., 3:257

Pascarella, Ernest T., 2:151

Riger, Stephanie, 1:63

Raja, Sheela, 1:63

Rosenblum, Barbara Rubin, 1:1

Rosenblum, Gerald, 1:1

Sadao, Kathleen C., 4:315

Sagaria, Mary Ann D., 1:79

Slaughter, Sheila, 3:209

Stage, Frances K., 4:

Stokes, Joseph, 1:63

Sullivan, Megan, 1:63

Terenzini, Patrick T., 2:151

Tinto, Vincent, 2:167

Toma, J. Douglas, 1:19

Toutkoushian, Robert K., 4:427

Vesper, Nick, 1:43

Title Index to Volume 21

“Abstracts of papers presented at the 1996 ASHE Annual Meeting,” 2:195

“Academic freedom: Revolutionary change or business as usual?” Robert M. O’Neil, 3:257

“The changing American college student: Thirty-year trends,1966–1996,” Alexander W. Astin, 2:115

“Changing patterns of job entitlements in academe: Labor market entry,” Gerald Rosemblum and Barbara Rubin Rosenblum, 1:1

“High Minority Enrollment, High School-Lunch Rates: Predisposition to College,” Florence A. Hamrick and Frances K. Stage, 4:343

“Colleges as communities: Taking research on student persistence seriously,” Vincent Tinto, 2:167

“The common experience of `otherness’: Ethnic and racial minority faculty,” Linda K. Johnsrud and Kathleen C. Sadao, 4:315

“A comparison of student experiences with good practices in undergraduate education between 1990 and 1994,” George D. Kuh and Nick Vesper, 1:43

“Does higher education research need revisions?” George Keller, 3:267

“Enhancing campus climates for racial/ethnic diversity: Educational policy and practice,” Sylvia Hurtado, Jeffrey F. Milem, Alma R. Clayton-Pedersen, and Walter R. Allen, 3:279

“Expanding the definition of diversity: The influence of both race and gender in the lives of African-American college women,” Lisa R. Jackson, 4:359

“Exploring a typology for classifying inquirers and inquiry into paradigms,” J. Douglas Toma, 1:19

“Federal policy and supply-side institutional resource allocation at public research universities,” Sheila Slaughter, 3:209

“Feminists at work: Collaborative relationships among women faculty,” Cynthia Sullivan Dickens and Mary Ann D. Sagaria, 1:79

“Gender and contradictory definitions of university accessibility,” Katherine Bischoping and Stephen Bell, 2:179

“Measuring perceptions of the work environment for female faculty,” Stephanie Riger, Joseph Stokes, Sheela Raja, and Megan Sullivan, 1:63

“On culture, canons and college curriculum,” Clifton F. Conrad and Katherine M. Duren, 1:103

“Patterns of finance: Revolution, evolution, or more of the same?” D. Bruce Johnstone, 3:245

“Presidential influence, leadership succession and multiple interpretations of organizational change in the community college,” John S. Levin, 4:405

“Enhancing campus climates for racial/ethnic diversity: Educational policy and practice,” Sylvia Hurtado, Jeffrey F. Milem, Alma R. Clayton-Pedersen, and Walter R. Allen, 3:279

“Research, Policy, and Administration in Higher Education: The Review at Twenty,” Philip G. Altbach, 3:205

“Restructuring higher education in the United States: Analyzing models for academic program review and discontinuation,” Steven O. Michael, 4:377

“Student politics: The new localism,” Arthur Levine and Jeanette S. Cureton, 2:137

“Students: A changing constituency at the heart of the academic enterprise,” Philip G. Altbach, 2:111

“Studying college students in the 21st century: Meeting New challenges,” Ernest T. Pascarella and Patrick T. Terenzini, 2:151

“Tenure: Traditions, policies, and practices,” Philo Hutcheson, 3:303

“The National Research Council graduate program ratings: What are they measuring?” Robert K. Toutkoushian, Halil Dundar, and William E. Becker, 4:427

