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Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 7.2 (2000) 157-158

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Concurrent Contents: Recent and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology


Acton, G. S. 1998. Classification of psychopathology: The nature of language. Journal of Mind and Behavior 19.3:243-55.

Aleksakhina, R. I. 1968. The concept of "essence" and the question of the essence of the disease. Journal of the Academy of Medical Science 23.1:30-34.

Benians, R. C. 1984. Children in care: Are social workers abusing their authority? Journal of Medical Ethics 10 (September):133-35.

Bentall, R. P., H. F. Jackson, and D. Pilgrim. 1988. Abandoning the concept of schizophrenia: Some implications of validity arguments for psychological research into psychotic phenomena. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 27:303-24.

Bernet, R. 1982. Is the present ever present? Phenomenology and the metaphysics of presence. Research in Phenomenology 12:85-112.

Clarke, S. 1999. Splitting difference: Pychoanalysis, hatred and exclusion. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 29:21-35.

Critchley, S. 1999. Comedy and finitude: Displacing the tragic-heroic paradigm in philosophy and psychoanalysis. Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 6.1:108-22.

Gibbs, P. J. 1998. Autism in low-functioning subjects: Early environment and the theory of mind deficit. Contemporary Philosophy 20.5-6:3-9.

MacDonald, P. S. 1997. On the pathology of the reflective attitude. Philosophical Writings 6:3-20.

Meehl, P. E. 1999. How to weight scientists' probabilities is not a big problem: Comment on Barnes. British Journal of Philosophy of Science 50:283-95.

Mele, A. R. 1999. Twisted self-deception. Philosophical Psychology 12:117-37.

Nordin, I. 1999. The role of science in medicine. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics: Philosophy of Medical Research and Practice 20:105-23.

Salem, T. 1999. Physician-assisted suicide: Promoting autonomy--or medicalizing suicide? Hastings Center Report 29:30-36.

Secker, B. 1999. Labeling patient (in)competence: A feminist analysis of medico-legal discourse. Journal of Social Philosophy 30:295-314.

Smith, D. L. 1999. Getting our act together: Lessons in meaningful psychotherapy research from the philosophy of science. Journal of Clinical Psychology 55.12:1495-1506.

Verkerk, M. 1999. A care perspective on coercion and autonomy. Bioethics 13:358-68.


Bednar, R. L., S. C. Bednar, M. M. J. Lambert, et al. 1991. Psychotherapy with High-Risk Clients: Legal and Professional Standards. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Bouveresse, J. 1995. Wittgenstein Reads Freud: The Myth of the Unconscious (New French Thought). Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP.

Dreger, A. D. 1998. Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex. Cambridge: Harvard UP.

Golomb, J., W. Santaniello, and R. L. Lehrer, eds. 1999. Nietzsche and Depth Psychology. Albany: SUNY Press.

Grisso, T., and P. S. Appelbaum. 1998. Assessing Competence to Consent to Treatment: A Guide for Physicians and Other Health Professionals. New York: Oxford UP.

Haaken, J. 1998. Pillar of Salt: Gender, Memory, and the Perils of Looking Back. Rutgers, NJ: Rutgers UP.

Koocher, G. P., and P. Keith-Spiegel. 1998. Ethics in Psychology: Professional Standards and Cases. New York: Oxford UP.

McWhorter, L. 1999. Bodies and Pleasures: Foucault and the Politics of Sexual Normalization. Bloomington: Indiana UP.

Peterson, M. R. 1992. At Personal Risk: Boundary Violations in Professional-Client Relationships. New York: W.W. Norton.

Pryzwansky, W. B., and R. N. Wendt. 1999. Professional and Ethical Issues in Psychology: Foundations of Practice. New York: W.W. Norton.

Snyder, M., ed. 1994. Ethical Issues in Feminist Family Therapy. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press.

Velmans, M., ed. 1999. Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Wenegrat, B. 1995. Illness and Power: Women's Mental Disorders and the Battle Between Sexes. New York: New York UP.

The editors welcome suggestions for references to include in "Concurrent Contents." However, inclusion is strictly at the discretion of the editors. Send reference suggestions to John Z. Sadler, Co-Editor, Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390-9070, U.S.A. (e-mail: sadler@utsw.swmed...

