In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Published Works of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Cofounded and coedited with Judith Plaskow, 1985-1995. Coedited with Emilie M. Townes, 1995-2000. Coedited with Kwok Pui-lan, 2001-2005. Coedited with Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre and Stephanie Mitchem, 2005-2008. Coedited with Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre, 2008-present.


Der vergessene Partner: Grundlagen, Tatsachen, und Müglichkeiten der Beruflichen Mitarbeit der Frau in der Heilssorge der Kirche. Düsseldorf: Patmos.


"Beispiele zur exegetischen Methode." In Wort und Botschaft: Eine theologische und kritische Einführung in die Probleme des Alten Testaments, edited by Josef Schreiner, 359-81. Würzburg: Echter.


"The Eschatology and Composition of the Apocalypse." Translated by Mary Buckley and Elisabeth Meier. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 30, no. 4:537-69.


"Der Anführer und Vollender unseres Glaubens: Zum theologischen Verständnis des Hebräerbriefes." In Gestalt und Anspruch des Neuen Testaments, edited by Josef Schreiner and Gerhard Dautzenburg, 262-81. Würzburg: Echter.
"Gericht und Heil: Zum theologischen Verständnis der Apokalypse." In Gestalt und Anspruch des Neuen Testaments, edited by Josef Schreiner and Gerhard Dautzenburg, 330-47. Würzburg: Echter.


Priester für Gott: Studien zum Herrschafts- und Priestermotiv in der Apokalypse. Neuetestamentliche Abhandlungen n.s. 7. Münster: Aschendorff.
"Saints Alive Yesterday and Today." Brooklyn Tablet, December 7.
"Die tausendjährige Herrschaft der Auferstandenen (Apk 20, 4-6)." Bibel und Leben 13:107-24. [End Page 221]


"Apocalyptic and Gnosis in the Book of Revelation and Paul." Journal of Biblical Literature 92, no. 4:565-81.
"Images of Jesus." In Teaching Religion to Undergraduates: Some Approaches and Ideas from Teacher to Teacher, edited by Luke Timothy Johnson, 65-69. New Haven, CT: SHRE.


"Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles." Union Theological Seminary Journal (April): 22-24.
"Redemption as Liberation: Apoc 1:5f. and 5:9f." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 36, no. 2:220-32.
"Religion und Politik in der Offenbarung des Johannes." In Biblische Randbemerkungen: Schülerfestschrift für Rudolf Schnackenburg zum 60. Geburtstag, edited by Helmut Merklein and Joachim Lange, 261-72. Würzburg: Echter.


"Feminist Theology as a Critical Theology of Liberation." Theological Studies 36, no. 4:605-26.
"Symposium: Toward a Theology of Feminism." Horizons 2:117-18.
"Wisdom Mythology and the Christological Hymns of the New Testament." In Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity, edited by Robert L. Wilken, 17-41. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
"Women Studies and the Teaching of Religion." Occasional Papers on Catholic Higher Education 1:26-30.


The Apocalypse. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press. [Translation: Spanish]
ed. Aspects of Religious Propaganda in Judaism and Early Christianity. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
"Cultic Language in Qumran and in the New Testament." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 38, no. 2:159-77.
"Eschatology of the NT." In The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: Supplementary Volume, edited by Keith Crim, 271-77. Nashville: Abingdon.
"First Fruits, NT." In The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: Supplementary Volume, edited by Keith Crim, 337. Nashville: Abingdon.
"Interpreting Patriarchal Traditions of the Bible." In The Liberating Word: A Guide to Nonsexist Interpretation of the Bible, edited by Letty Russell, 39-61. Philadelphia: Westminster.
"Miracles, Mission, and Apologetics: An Introduction." In Aspects of Religious Propaganda in Judaism and Early Christianity, edited by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, 1-25. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
"Revelation, Book of." In The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: Supplementary Volume, edited by Keith Crim, 744-46. Nashville: Abingdon.
"Die Rolle der Frau in der urchristlichen Bewegung." Konzilium 7:3-9. [End Page 222]
"Women Apostles: The Testament of Scripture." In Women and Catholic Priesthood: An Expanded Vision: Proceedings of the Detroit Ordination Conference, edited by Anne Marie Gardiner, 94-102. New York: Paulist Press.
"Women in the New Testament." New Catholic World (November-December): 256-60.
"Women in the New Testament." In Scripture and the Church, edited by Robert J. Heyer, 6-13. New York: Paulist Press.


"Feminist Theology as a Critical Theology of Liberation." In Woman: New Dimensions, edited by Walter Burghardt, 29-50. New York: Paulist Press.
and Reginald H. Fuller, Gerard S. Sloyan, Gerhard Krodel...

