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Reviews 147 changes in Greece and the underlying trends. On the other hand, econometric models of the whole economy based on assumptions which sometimes represent a gross simplification of a complex reality can only be poor substitutes for more disaggregated or qualitative analyses. The chapter on the balance of payments effects is highly inadequate . Since the conference was held, a large amount of research has been done in this area and some of the results are already in print. The chapter on agriculture, based on the Newcastle model, examines only the broad effects of Greece's gradual integration in the common agricultural policy—and the trade effects are given insufficient attention. In contrast, the chapter on the manufacturing sector, by Joseph Hassid, uses disaggregated data and provides an interesting and fairly comprehensive analysis of the EC impact on this sector. The chapters on shipping and the EMS are essentially of a hypothetical nature: the EC shipping policy is still in its infancy, while discussions of Greece's membership in the EMS will remain pure academic exercises as long as Greece's inflation rate far exceeds the EC average. Despite some obvious weaknesses, this volume constitutes a useful contribution to the study of the Greek economy and its integration into the EC. The literature on this subject has been, however, growing rapidly and many of the empirical results contained in the studies mentioned above are already dated. LOUKAS TSOUKALIS St. Antony's College, Oxford Απότηναλληλογϕαφίατωνπϕώτωνδημοτικιστών,II:562γϕάμματατωνE. Γιανίδη, I. Δϕαγοϕμη, A. Εφταλιώτη, K. Παλαμά, A. Πάλλη, Δ. Ta- γκόπουλου, Γ. Ψυχάϕη, κ.α. Thessaloniki: University of Thessaloniki, Επιστημονική Επετηϕίδα της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής. 1985. Pp. χν + 685. Let no one assume that the glossikó zÃ-tima is dead! It has taken almost one hundred years for Yiánnis Psiháris' campaign against katharévusa to conquer all sectors of Greek writing and speech. Yet victories create their own problems, including some that are not so different from those presumably solved. Replacement of loan words is an example. Recently a nationwide contest sought a "truly Greek" 148 Reviews term for φαστφουντάδικο (fast food restaurant). ΤαχυφαγεΕο, on analogy with ταχυδϕομείο, was declared the winner; but the λαός happily continues to eat its BigMacs at the fastfudádiko. Nor has vocabulary ceased to cause difficulties now that, by definition, the people all speak the language of the people. Last year's panhelladic entrance examinations for the university caused a furor because students could not understand questions based on the nouns ευδοκίμηση ("prosperity ") and αϕωγή ("assistance"). So we have reached the point where a socialist government wants to make ancient Greek compulsory again in the first three years of high school. The government's proposal is contrary to demoticism's major educational platform regarding ancient texts, namely that students should enjoy such texts in their entirety, in translation, rather than parsing forty lines of the Odyssey or Antigone in the original. Listen to Psiháris responding to Pállis in 1900 after Pállis wrote that he was going to dedicate to Psiháris his pioneering translation of the Iliad: . . . when the time comes and the teachers understand . . . that they should . . . acquaint [the Greek child] not so much with declensions and verbs as with the mentality ... of the ancient world . . . , and should . . . have him read ancient texts in his own modern language in translation, then your Iliad will become a classic work. . . . (pp. 502—503). The 562 letters received and sent between 1890 and 1934 by demoticism's leading proponents enable us to place today's manifestations of the glossikó in perspective. Whether we conclude that plus ça change plus c'est la même chose or that significant differences exist between today's situation and that confronted by the pioneers, we will honor the extraordinary devotion revealed in these letters even if it sometimes borders on fanaticism: "I will not give up on φ and β (in place of Ï… where the pronunciation is φ or β)," writes Psiháris to Pállis in 1899. "I will not give them up in any way . . . The politics of compromise . . . strikes me as disastrous. ... If you want the enemy to fear you, strike and strike hard . . ." (p. 457). The enemy struck back. That all three ringleaders lived abroad, two in England and one in France, did not help. "Do you know what Vikélas is...

