In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Abbreviations and Citations of Friedrich Nietzsche's Works

The same citation format is utilized throughout the journal. References to Nietzsche's texts are given in the body of the articles. References to Nietzsche's unpublished writings are standardized, whenever possible, to refer to the most accessible edition of Nietzsche's notebooks and publications, Kritische Studienausgabe (KSA), compiled under the general editorship of Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari. References to the edition of letters, Sämtliche Briefe: Kritische Studienausgabe, are cited as KSB.

Roman numerals denote the volume number of a set of collected works or standard subdivision within a single work, and Arabic numerals denote the relevant section number. In cases in which Nietzsche's prefaces are cited, the letter P is used followed by the relevant section number, where applicable. When a section is too long for the section number alone to be useful, the page number of the relevant translation is also provided. In the cases in which the Kritische Gesamtausgabe (KGW) and KSA are cited, references provide the volume number (and part for KGW) followed by the relevant fragment number and any relevant aphorism (e.g., KSA 10:12[1].37 refers to volume 10, fragment 12[1], aphorism 37). The following abbreviations are used for citations of Nietzsche's writings:

A = The Antichrist

AOM = Assorted Opinions and Maxims

BGE = Beyond Good and Evil

BT = The Birth of Tragedy

CW = The Case of Wagner

D = Daybreak/Dawn

DD = Dionysian Dithyrambs

DS = "David Strauss, the Writer and the Confessor"

EH = Ecce Homo (sections abbreviated "Wise," "Clever," "Books," "Destiny"; abbreviations for titles discussed in "Books" are indicated instead of "Books" where relevant)

FEI = "On the Future of Our Educational Institutions"

GM = On the Genealogy of Morals

GOA = Nietzsches Werke (Grossoktavausgabe)

GS = The Gay Science

HC = "Homer's Contest"

HCP = "Homer and Classical Philology"

HH = Human, All Too Human

HL = "On the Use and Disadvantage of History for Life" [End Page 1]

IM = "Idylls from Messina"

KGB = Briefwechsel: Kritische Gesamtausgabe

KGW = Kritische Gesamtausgabe

KSA = Kritische Studienausgabe

KSB = Sämtliche Briefe: Kritische Studienausgabe

LR = "Lectures on Rhetoric"

MA = Nietzsches Gesammelte Werke (Musarionausgabe)

NCW = Nietzsche Contra Wagner

PN = Portable Nietzsche

PPP = Pre-Platonic Philosophers

PT = Philosophy and Truth

PTAG = Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks

RWB = Richard Wagner in Bayreuth

SE = "Schopenhauer as Educator"

TI = Twilight of the Idols (sections abbreviated "Maxims," "Socrates," "Reason," "World," "Morality," "Errors," "Improvers," "Germans," "Skirmishes," "Ancients," "Hammer")

TL = "On Truth and Lies in an Extra-Moral Sense"

UM = Untimely Meditations (when referenced as a whole)

WP = The Will to Power

WPh = "We Philologists"

WS = The Wanderer and His Shadow

Z = Thus Spoke Zarathustra (references to Z list the part number and chapter title followed by the relevant section number when applicable: Z :III "On Old and New Tablets" 1) [End Page 2]


