In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

La «Fine dell’era costantiniana» in F. Heer e M.-D. Chenu (1938–1963). In tre quadri e un epilogo al Concilio vaticano II. Gianmaria Zamagni. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXIX (Jan., 2008), 113–38.
Sul IV centerario del Concilio di Trento (1545–1945) e le origini storiografiche della “Riforma cattolica.” Paolo Simoncelli. Nuova Rivista Storica, XCII (May–Aug., 2008), 391–410.
Pius XII.—ein politischer Papst. Zum 50. Todestag von Eugenio Pacelli. Victor Conzemius. Stimmen der Zeit, 226 (133) (Oct., 2008), 669–78.
Feminization Thesis: A Survey of International Historiography and a Probing of Belgian Grounds. Tine van Osselaer and Thomas Buerman. Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, 103 (Apr.–June, 2008), 497–543.
‘Between Rome and Constantinople’: the Italian-Albanian Church: a study in Eastern Catholic history and ecclesiology. Anthony O’Mahony. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 8 (3, 2008), 232–51.
A History of the Relationship of the Evangelical Alliance with the Roman Catholic Church. Pietro Bolognesi. Evangelical Review of Theology, 32 (July, 2008), 210–23.
The developing understanding of authority and primacy in Anglican-Roman Catholic-Old Catholic dialogue after the Second Vatican Council. Peter-Ben Smit. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 8 (3, 2008), 211–31.
La confirmation dans l’histoire: evolution ou fracture? Laurence Decousu. Ecclesia Orans, XXV (Jan.–Apr., 2008), 61–96.
L’archivio storico della Custodia di Terra Santa e il suo fondo Firmani. Storia e significato. Narcyz Klimas, O.F.M. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 101 (Jan.–June, 2008), 213–77.
Francescanesimo in epoca moderna: una storia omessa? Giuseppe Buffon, O.F.M. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 101 (Jan.–June, 2008), 279–307.
Het Kapittelboek van de Ninoofse abdij (1185–1652). Dirk Van de Perre. Analecta Praemonstratensia, LXXXIII (2007), 128–55.
I Teatini in San Siro di Genova. Renato Patrone. Regnum Dei, LXI (Jan.–Dec., 2005), 83–173 and 18 appendices. [End Page 201]
Transatlantic Protestantism and American Independence. P. J. Marshall. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 36 (Sept., 2008), 345–62.
Der Provikar vornehmlich in der Erzdiözese Mainz. Georg May. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, 125, Kanonistische Abteilung 94 (2008), 159–210.


Immagini della speranza nell’arte paleocristiana del III secolo a Roma. Chiara Sanmorì. Asprenas, 55 (1, 2008), 161–84.
In the wake of Trypho: Jewish-Christian dialogues in the third to the sixth centuries. William Varner. Evangelical Quarterly, LXXX (July, 2008), 219–36.
Liste vescovili dell’Africa cristiana. Secoli III–IX. Giorgio Fedalto. Studia Patavina, LV (May–Aug., 2008), 393–570.
Astrology in the Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions. Nicole Kelley. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 59 (Oct., 2008), 607–29.
Kaiser Konstantin der Große und der Apostel Paulus. Reinhart Staats. Vigiliae Christianae, LXI I (Dec., 2008), 334–70.
Beobachtungen zu den Rechtsgrundlagen der Christenverfolgungen im Sasanidenreich. Peter Bruns. Römische Quartalschrift, 103 (1–2, 2008), 82–112.
I laici nella Chiesa antica: identità e ruoli. Individuazione di aree di laicità. Ottorino Pasquato (†). Salesianum, LXX (Apr.–June, 2008), 247–66.
Interventi urbani a Roma tra il IV e il VI secolo. Paolo Liverani. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXIX (Jan., 2008), 1–31.
Zur Stiftung und Bauzeit der großen Kirche des Schenuteklosters bei Sūhāǧ (Oberägypten). Peter Grossmann. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 101 (1, 2008), 35–54.


Revigliasco torinese dall’étà romana al medioevo (parte seconda). Giampietro Casiraghi. Bollettino Storico-Bibliografico Subalpino, CVI (1, 2008), 5–38.
Diaconiae, xenodochia, hospitalia and monasteries: ‘social security’ and the meaning of monasticism in early medieval Rome. Hendrik W. Dey. Early Medieval Europe, 16 (Nov., 2008), 398–422.
Il nome di Mansueto arcivescovo di Milano (c. 672–681). Mirella Ferrari. Aevum, LXXXII (May–Aug., 2008), 281–91.
“Utilius est veritatem proferre.” A Difficult Memory to Manage: Narrating the Relationships between Bishops and Dukes in Early Medieval Naples. Luigi Andrea Berto. Viator, 39 (2, 2008), 49–63. [End Page...

