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  • Contributors

Jack I. Abecassis is the Edwin Sexton & Edna Patrick Smith Modern European Languages Professor at Pomona College. He is also a regular Visiting Professor at Johns Hopkins University. Trained in the Early Modern Period (Montaigne, Pascal, Les Moralistes), Professor Abecassis has published a number of articles on intellectual history, Early Modern and Contemporary literature and critical theory. He is also the author of Albert Cohen, Dissonant Voices, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

Carole Allamand is an Associate Professor of French at Rutgers University. She is the author of an essay on Marguerite Yourcenar (Une écriture en mal de mère, Paris: Imago, 2004) and a dozen articles on twentieth- and twenty-first-century French and American novelists. She is currently completing a book, Primal Scenes of Writing, which challenges the prevailing notion of autobiography as fiction’s Other through readings of Rouaud, Gary, Yourcenar, Ernaux, Des Forêts, Simon and Garat. Her research interests also include crime fiction, and the emerging field of Critical Animal Studies.

Alice Audoin is a doctoral candidate in the Department of German and Romance Languages at Johns Hopkins University. Her dissertation focuses on French travelers in America in the twentieth century and on how their experience of American temporality influenced their French identity. Her article “Makine, écrivain francophone ou de langue française?” recently received the prize for the best essay of 2007 awarded by .

David A. Bell is Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities, and Dean of Faculty of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, at Johns Hopkins University.

Adriana Bontea teaches French and Comparative literature at the University of Sussex, in Great Britain. She has published articles on early modern literature and philosophy, including Pascal, La Bruyère, Corneille, Molière, and on Walter Benjamin’s literary criticism. Her forthcoming book on The Origins of French Classical Comedy is awaiting publication in 2007.

Alison Calhoun has recently finished her dissertation on Montaigne and the Lives of the philosophers at Johns Hopkins. She is currently a lecturer at Paris VII. [End Page 975]

Bernard Cerquiglini is a linguist and the rector of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. He has served as president of the Observatoire national de la Lecture and as Director of the Institut national de la langue française (CNRS). His many books include Une langue orpheline (Paris: Minuit, 2007), La Genèse de l’orthographe française (XIIe–XVIIe siècles) (Paris: Champion, 2004) and Les Langues de France (éd.), (Paris: PUF, 2003). He has been a member of Oulipo since 1995.

Danièle Cohn is a Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciènces Sociales; she is also a Professeure associée at Paris-I and Paris-X. Her publications include Le Vrai et le juste, penser les arts à l’époque des Lumières (Paris: Hazan, 2005) and La Lyre d’Orphée, Goethe et l’esthétique (Paris: Flammarion (Essais), 1999). She was recently awarded the Chaire Marc Bloch as a Visiting Professor at Humboldt Universität.

Christian Delacampagne (1949–2007) was a professor in the Department of German and Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins University from 2001 to 2006, teaching twentieth-century French literature and theory, as well as Francophone literature. A philosopher and writer, he was the author of more than thirty books, including Une histoire du racisme (Paris: Poche, 2000) and Histoire de la philosophie au XXe siècle (Paris: Seuil, 1995); he had also served as the Director of the Centre culturel français in Barcelona, Madrid, Cairo, and Tel Aviv, and as cultural attaché in Boston. His most recent publications included Où est passé l’art ? (Paris: Panama, 2007), Toute la terre m’appartient. Fragments d’une vie errante (Paris: Arthaud, Esprit d’aventure, 2007), and Duende : Visages et Voix du flamenco, with the photographs of Ariane Delacampagne (Paris: L’Archange Minotaure, 2007).

Aimee Israel-Pelletier teaches French Literature at the University of Texas at Arlington. Her interests include Visual Culture and Graphic Imagination, Film Studies, and Francophone Jewish Studies. Her publications include works on Flaubert, Rimbaud, Ségur, Godard, Rohmer, and Rancière. She is currently preparing a book on Rimbaud...

