In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 18 (2008)

By Author

BENHAM, Bryan. Moral Accountability and Debriefing, 3: 253–73.

BUCHANAN, Allen. Enhancement and the Ethics of Development, 1: 1–34.

CAPLAN, Arthur L. See Field, Robert I.

CRAIG, David M. Religious Health Care as Community Benefit: Social Contract, Covenant, or Common Good?, 4: 301–00.

DAVIS, Dena. Religion, Genetics, and Sexual Orientation: The Jewish Tradition, 2: 125–48.

DAVIS, John K. How to Justify Enforcing a Ulysses Contract When Ulysses is Competent to Refuse, 1: 87–106.

FIELD, Robert I., and CAPLAN, Arthur L. A Proposed Ethical Framework for Vaccine Mandates: Competing Values and the Case of HPV, 2: 111–24.

GLUCK, John P. See Miller, Franklin G. GLUCK, John P., and HOLDS-WORTH, Mark T. FDA Releases Draft

Guidance on Regulation of Genetically Engineered Animals, 4: 393–402.

GORDIJN, Bert. See Steinkamp, Norbert L.

GRAY, Harriet Hutson, and POLAND, Susan Cartier. Scope Note 47: Medical Tourism: Crossing Borders to Access Health Care, 2: 193–201.

ten HAVE, Henk A. M. J. See Steinkamp, Norbert L.

LOIKE, John D., and TENDLER, Moshe. Reconstituting a Human Brain in Animals: A Jewish Perspective on Human Sanctity, 4: 347–67.

de MELO-MARTIN, Inmaculada. Chimeras and Human Dignity, 4: 331–46.

MILLER, Franklin G.; GLUCK, John P.; WENDLER, David. Debriefing and Accountability in Deceptive Research, 3: 235–51.

PETERSON-IYER, Karen. Pharmacogenomics, Ethics, and Public Policy, 1: 35–56.

SACHS, Benjamin. The Liberty Principle and Universal Health Care, 2: 149–72. [End Page 405]

SCOFIELD, Giles R. Speaking of Ethical Expertise …, 4: 369–84.

SPARROW, Robert. Is it "Every Man's Right to Have Babies If He Wants Them"? Male Pregnancy and the Limits of Reproductive Liberty, 3: 275–99.

STEINKAMP, Norbert L.; GORDIJN, Bert; and ten HAVE, Henk A. M. J. Debating Ethical Expertise, 2: 173–92; Ethical Expertise Revisited: Reply to Giles Scofield, 4: 385–92.

TENDLER, Moshe. See Loike, John D. VANDERPOOL, Harold Y. The Religious Features of Scientific Medicine, 3: 203–34.

WALL WORK, Ernest. Ethical Analysis of Research Partnerships with Communities, 1: 57–85.

WENDLER, David. See Miller, Franklin G.

By Issue Issue 1

Enhancement and the Ethics of Development, by Allen Buchanan, 1–34.

Pharmacogenomics, Ethics, and Public Policy, by Karen PetersonIyer, 35–56.

Ethical Analysis of Research Partnerships with Communities, by Ernest Wallwork, 57–85.

How to Justify Enforcing a Ulysses Contract When Ulysses is Competent to Refuse, by John K. Davis, 87–106.

Bioethics Publishing Guidelines, 107– 110.

Issue 2

A Proposed Ethical Framework for Vaccine Mandates: Competing Values and the Case of HPV, by Robert I. Field and Arthur L. Caplan, 111–24.

Religion, Genetics, and Sexual Orientation: The Jewish Tradition, by Dena S. Davis, 125–48.

The Liberty Principle and Universal Health Care, by Benjamin Sachs, 149–72.

Debating Ethical Expertise, by Norbert L. Steinkamp, Bert Gordijn, and Henk A. M. J. Ten Have, 173–92.

Scope Note 47: Medical Tourism: Crossing Borders to Access Health Care, by Harriet Hutson Gray and Susan Cartier Poland, 193–201.

Issue 3

The Religious Features of Scientific Medicine, by Harold Y. Vanderpool, 203–34.

Debriefing and Accountability in Deceptive Research, by Franklin G. Miller, John P. Gluck, Jr., and David Wendler, 235–51.

Moral Accountability and Debriefing, by Bryan Benham, 253–73.

Is it "Every Man's Right to Have Babies If He Wants Them"? Male Pregnancy and the Limits of Reproductive Liberty, by Robert Sparrow, 275–99. [End Page 406]

Issue 4

Religious Health Care as Community Benefit: Social Contract, Covenant, or Common Good?, by David M. Craig, 301–30.

Chimeras and Human Dignity, by Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, 331–46

Reconstituting a Human Brain in Animals: A Jewish Perspective on Human Sanctity, by John D. Loike and Moshe Tendler, 347–67.

Speaking of Ethical Expertise …, by Giles R. Scofield, 369–84.

Ethical Expertise Revisited: Reply to Giles Scofield, by Norbert L. Steinkamp, Bert Gordijn, and Henk A. M. J. Ten Have, 385–92.

FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Regulation of Genetically Engineered Animals, by John P. Gluck and Mark T. Holdsworth, 393–402. [End Page 407]


