In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • News and Events

American Association for the History of Medicine

Council and Committees, 2008–2009


   W. Bruce Fye (President), John Eyler (Vice President), Christopher Crenner (Secretary-Treasurer), John Parascandola (Immediate Past President)

Council. "The council shall consist of officers of the Association, the immediate past President, and twelve Regular Members elected for three-year terms at an annual meeting by plurality of Regular Members voting. The President shall act as Chairman of the Council. Six shall constitute a quorum of the Council." Twelve Regular Members are divided into three groups of four, one group elected by Regular Members each year. Total number of members is 16.

Council (2006–2009) : James Edmonson, H. Hughes Evans, Bert Hansen, Joan E. Lynaugh

Council (2007–2010) : Warwick H. Anderson, Jennifer Gunn, William Rothstein, Susan L. Smith

Council (2008–2011) : Theodore M. Brown, Norman Gevitz, Leslie Reagan, Nancy Tomes

Note: When the term of a committee member extends beyond 2008–2009,

       the year in which the appointment terminates is shown

               in parentheses after the member's name.

Committee on Annual Meetings

   Peter Twohig (Chair) (2010), Gerald Grob (2009), Judith Leavitt (2009), Micaela Sullivan-Fowler (2010), Stephen Greenberg (2011), Richard Kahn (2011), W. Bruce Fye (2010), Ex-officio, Christopher Crenner, Ex-officio


   Carla Keirns (Chair) [End Page 913]

Delegate to American Council of Learned Societies

   Margaret Humphreys (term ends 31 December 2011)

Delegate to International Society for the History of Medicine

   Cynthia Pitcock (national delegate), Toby Gelfand (alternate)

Education and Outreach Committee

   Mindy Schwartz (Chair) (2011), Marianne Fedunkiw (2009), Lisa Boult (2009), Gwen Kay (2010), Jonathon Erlen (2010), Lisa Pruitt (2011)

Estes Prize Committee

   Jan McTavish (Chair), Victoria Sweet, William Helfand

Finance Committee

   Margaret Marsh (Chair) (2010), James Bono (2009), Bert Hansen (2011)

Garrison Lecture Committee

   Randall Packard (Chair), Chris Feudtner, Steven Peitzman, Dorothy Porter, Janet Tighe

Lifetime Achievement Award Committee

   Charlotte Borst (Chair), William Rothstein, Todd Savitt

Local Arrangements Committee

   Cleveland, Ohio, 2009 : James Edmonson (Chair), Jonathan Sadowsky, Ginger Saha

   Rochester, 2010: J. Michael Homan and Paul D. Scanlon (Co-Chairs)


   Jodi Koste and Joan Echtenkamp Klein, Editors (2010)

Nominating Committee

   Allan Brandt (Chair), Joel Howell, Ann La Berge

Osler Medal Committee

   James Wright (Chair), Douglas Bacon, Paul Berman, Jock Murray, Jacqueline Wolfe

Pressman–Burroughs Wellcome Award Committee

   Conevery Bolton Valen.cius (Chair) (2010), Erika Dyck (2011), Keith Wailoo (2012) [End Page 914]

Program Committee

   Howard Markel (Chair), Robert Aronowitz, Jeffrey Baker, Harold Cook, Russell Maulitz, Jonathan Sadowsky, Jole Shackelford, Alexandra Stern, Heinrich Von Staden

Publications Committee

   John Harley Warner (Chair) (2010), Gregory Higby (2011), Janet Golden (2012)

Shryock Medal Committee

   Beth Linker (Chair), Dayle DeLancey, Heather Perry, Sally Romano, Thomas Schlich


   Matthew Scanlon

Welch Medal Committee

   Victoria Harden (Chair), Judith Leavitt, Joan Lynaugh, Dale Smith, John Harley Warner

Women Historians

   Heather Munro Prescott (Chair)

Ad Hoc Committee on Travel Grants

   Julia Rodriguez (Chair), Alexandra Stern, Margaret Humphreys

Ad Hoc Committee on Student Affairs

   Kristen Ehrenberger and Niki Bibbe (Co-chairs), Walton Schalick

Ad Hoc Committee on Survey of Medical Schools

   Jennifer Gunn (Chair), Jeremy Greene, Laura Hirshbein, Geoffrey Hudson

Ad Hoc Committee on Impact of HIPAA

   Nancy McCall (Chair), Beatrix Hoffman, Susan Lawrence, Stephen Novak, Janet Tighe [End Page 915]


