In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Publications Relating to Canada
  • Prepared by Michael D. Stevenson

This bibliography is intended to provide as complete coverage as possible of newly available material useful in the study of any aspect of Canadian history. In keeping with the diverse backgrounds and interests of our readers, both scholarly and well-researched popular sources are regularly listed. It should be noted that items of a purely contemporary or speculative nature and lacking appreciable historical content are normally excluded. Furthermore, accessibility considerations logically dictate that materials cited have appeared in published form, theses traditionally being the sole exception. Suggestions for possible inclusion in Recent Publications are welcomed and should be forwarded with the necessary technical information to the compiler at the Canadian Historical Review offices.

See also the 'New Books Service', a monthly online list of Canadian publications prepared by Library and Archives Canada; International Perspectives; Journal of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth, issued quarterly by the General Council of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; and in the University of Toronto Quarterly, 'Letters in Canada,' published in the January issue. Regionally oriented bibliographies are included in each issue of Acadiensis, BC Studies, and Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française. Any MA and PhD theses listed in the current bibliography were reported as recently completed in a range of sources, including America: History and Life and Dissertation Abstracts International.

Users of this bibliography should bear in mind that all titles are listed only once. Because of subject overlap, alternative categories should be consulted.

Publications Récentes

Cette bibliographie présente de manière aussi exhaustive que possible les publications récentes utiles à l'étude de l'histoire du Canada sous toutes ses facettes. Afin de répondre aux profils et aux intérêts variés de nos lecteurs, elle répertorie tant les travaux savants que les ouvrages d'histoire populaire bien documentés. Cependant, les écrits de nature purement conjecturale ou dépourvus de contenu historique appréciable en sont habituellement exclus. Pour des raisons d'accessibilité, la bibliographie ne cite que les travaux publiés, à l'exception notable des thèses. Les suggestions d'insertion à la rubrique des publications récentes sont les bienvenues et doivent être adressées au compilateur, à la Canadian Historical Review, accompagnées des informations bibliographiques pertinentes. [End Page 459]

On consultera aussi le « Service des nouveaux livres », bibliographie canadienne publiée mensuellement sur Internet par Bibliothèque et Archives Canada; Perspectives internationales; le Journal of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth, trimestriel du General Council of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; et le numéro de janvier du University of Toronto Quarterly, à la rubrique « Letters in Canada ». Des bibliographies de portée régionale paraissent dans chaque numéro d'Acadiensis, de BC Studies et de la Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française. Les thèses de maîtrise et de doctorat figurant dans la présente bibliographie sont répertoriées dans plusieurs bases de données, notamment America: History and Life et Dissertation Abstracts International.

Dans la présente bibliographie, chaque titre n'est recensé qu'une seule fois. En raison des chevauchements de sujets, nous recommandons aux utilisateurs de consulter les rubriques connexes.

Aboriginal History

Arrowsmith, Emily. Fair Enough? How Notions of Race, Gender and Soldiers' Rights Affected Dependents' Allowance Policies towards Canadian Aboriginal Families during World War II. PhD diss., Carleton University, 2006.
Barman, Jean. Erasing Indigenous Indigeneity in Vancouver. BC Studies 155 (2007): 3-30.
Becker, Marshall Joseph. Unique Huron Ornamental Bands: Wampum Cuffs. Material Culture Review 66 (2007): 59-67.
Friesen, Darren G. The Other Newcomers: Aboriginal Interactions with People from the Pacific. MA thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2006.
Haggarty, Liam. Contested Land: Aboriginal-State Relations along the Fraser River. MA thesis, University of Victoria, 2005.
Miller, Mary Jane. Outside Looking In: Viewing First Nations Peoples in Canadian Dramatic Television Series. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2008.
Paxton, James W. Kinship, Communities, and Covenant Chains: Mohawks and Palatines in New York and Upper Canada, 1712-1830. PhD diss., Queen's University, 2006.
Pulla, Siomonn. Anthropological Advocacy? Frank Speck and the Mapping of Aboriginal Territoriality in Eastern Canada, 1900-1950. PhD diss., Carleton University...

