In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Erratum

In: Cui Y, Peterson NB, Hargreaves M, et al. “Mammography use in the Southern Community Cohort Study (United States).” J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2007 Nov;18(1):102–17.

Errors were discovered in two sentences:

p. 102 (Abstract, lines 12–13) should read: These associations were observed in both African American and White women who had never received a mammogram (Nonusers) compared with recent mammography users, although some variation existed.

p. 105, lines 5–7, should read: Model 1 (non-users as reference group) was designed to examine factors affecting initiation of screening mammography, while Model 2 (past users as reference group) was designed . . . . [End Page 1391]


