In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Announcements

International Bioethics Conference

The International Association of Bioethics' Inaugural Congress, focussing on the international and cross-cultural aspects of bioethics, will be held October 5-7, 1992 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. An aim of the conference is to promote international cooperation in the rapidly expanding field of bioethics through lectures, workshops, and discussion groups. The conference is organized and hosted by the Health Council of the Netherlands under the direction of Professor Henk Rigter. Professor Dan Wikler of the University of Wisconsin—Madison is the convenor from the United States. For further information contact: Mrs. Tineke Stegeman, Gezondheidsraad, Postbus 905517, 2509 LM's-Gravenhage, The Netherlands; FAX 31-70-383-71-09.

Justice in Health Care

An interdisciplinary conference, Justice in Health Care: Medicine, Ethics, and Economics, will be held October 15-16, 1992 in Chicago, Illinois. The conference is co-sponsored by the Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, and the University of Florida's College of Nursing, Medical Humanities Program, and Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics in the Professions. For information contact: Dr. Andrew J. Griffin, Department of Pediatrics, Illinois Masonic Medical Center, 836 Wellington Avenue, Chicago, IL 60657. Tel. 312-296-7147; FAX 312-296-7459.

Law, Ethics, and Medicine

An international meeting on law, ethics, and medicine will be held August 31-September 1, 1993 in Lyons, France. The meeting is organized as a satellite congress of the 13th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences. For further information contact: L. Roche, Editions A. Lacassagne, 69003 Lyons, France. Tel. 78-74-16-74; FAX 78-77-86-12. [End Page 199]


