In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Other Books Received
Astrachan, Samuel. Malaparte in Jassy. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1989. 153 pp. $17.95.
Ball, Bertrand Logan. Love and Nature, Unity and Doubling in the Novels of Maupassant. Ed. Helen Roulston. American University Studies. New York: Lang, 1989. 152 pp. $28.50.
Colavito, Maria Maddalena. The Pythagorean Intertext in Ovid's "Metamorphosis." Lewiston: Meilen, 1989. 154 pp. $39.98.
Dagan, Avigdor. The Court Jesters. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1989. 180 pp. $15.95.
Drigo, Paola. Maria Zef. Trans. Blossom Steinberg Kirschenbaum. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1989. 180 pp. $27.95 cloth; pb. $9.95.
Eco, Umberto. The Open Work. Trans. Anna Cancogni. Intro. David Robey. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1989. 285 pp. $30.00 cloth; pb. $14.95.
Effertz, Gerhard. Text und/oder Spiel: Raymond Ferdermans Roman "The Twofold Vibration." Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, 1987. 255 pp. No price given.
French Literature and Illustrated Books. Catalogue 55. Los Angeles: William and Victoria Dailey, 1989. No price given.
Frisch, Max. Novels, Plays, Essays. Ed. Rolf Kieser. Frwd. Peter Demetz. New York: Continuum, 1989. 353 pp. $27.50 cloth; pb. $12.95.
Gilman, Stephen. The Novel According to Cervantes. Berkeley: U of California P, 1989. 204 pp. $30.00.
Kelly, Catriona, Michael Makin, and David Shepherd, eds. Discontinuous Discourses in Modern Russian Literature. New York: St. Martin's, 1989. 178 pp. $29.95.
Mann, Thomas. "Death in Venice" and Other Stories. Trans, and intro. David Luke. New York: Bantam, 1988. 263 pp. pb. $4.50.
Oswald, Laura. Jean Genet and the Semiotics of Performance. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1989. 169 pp. $32.50.
Roe, David. Gustave Flaubert. New York: St. Martin's, 1989. 128 pp. $24.95.
Sand, George. A Woman's Version of the Faust Legend: The Seven Strings of the Lyre. 1840. Trans. and intro. by George A. Kennedy. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1989. 185 pp. & dollar;34.9 5.

