In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Concurrent Contents:Recent and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Abnormal Psychology
  • John Z. Sadler


Agich, G. J. 1994. Key concepts: Autonomy. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 4:267-270.
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Benedetti, G. 1974. The irrational in the psychotherapy of psychosis. The Human Context 6:130-136.
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Bouchard, M. 1995. The specificity of hermeneutics in psychoanalysis: leaps on the path from construction to recollection. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 76:533-546.
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Brook, A. 1995. Explanation in the hermeneutic science. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 76:519-532.
Brown, L. S. 1994. Concrete boundaries and the problem of literal-mindedness: a response to Lazarus. Ethics and Behavior 4, no. 3:275-281.
Carpenter, B. D. 1993. A review and new look at ethical suicide in advanced age. Gerontologist 33:359-365.
Chessick, R. D. 1995a. Introduction: Special section on the application of phenomenology to psychiatry and psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy 49, no. 2:159-162.
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Christensen, D. E. 1968. Hegel's phenomenological analysis and Freud's psychoanalysis. International Philosophical Quarterly 8:356-378.
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Cosin, B. R., Freeman, C. F., and Freeman, N. H. 1971. Critical empiricism criticized: the case of Freud. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 1:121-151.
Crittenden, C. 1970. Wittgenstein on philosophical therapy and understanding. International Philosophical Quarterly 10:20-43. [End Page 347]
Damasio, A. R. 1989. Concepts in the brain. Mind & Language 4:24-28.
David, A. 1994. Commentary on "Insight, delusion, and belief." Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 4:237-240.
Davidson, L. 1994. Commentary on "Insight, delusion, and belief." Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 4:243-244.
Derks, F. G. H., Blankstein, J. H., and Hendrickx, J. J. P. 1993. Treatment and security: the dual nature of forensic psychiatry. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 16:217-240.
Dominion, J. 1994. Commentary on "Normal grief: good or bad? Health or disease?" Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 4:221-222.
Esser, P. H. 1993. How to know the inner-self? Methodological Science 26, no. 4:161-169.
Felthous, A. R. 1991. Duty to warn or protect—current status for psychiatrists. Psychiatric Annals 21:591-597.
Foreman, D. M., and Farsides, C. 1993. Ethical use of covert videotaping techniques in detecting Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. British Medical Journal 307:611-612.
Forstein, M., Beckett, A., Bing, E. et al. 1993a. AIDS policy—guidelines for inpatient psychiatric units. American Journal of Psychiatry 150:853.
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Fursaytusswerk, J. 1993. The epistemological monism toward a scientific psychiatry. Annals of Medical Psychology (Paris) 151:267-270.
Galen, K. G. 1993. Assessing psychiatric patients' competency to agree to treatment plans. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 44:361-364.
Ganzini, L., Lee, M. A., Heintz, R. T. et al. 1993. Is the patient self-determination act appropriate for elderly persons hospitalized for depression? Journal of Clinical Ethics 4, no. 9:46-50.
Gillett, G. 1994. Insight, delusion, and belief. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 4:227-236.
Grünbaum, A. 1983. Freud's theory: the perspective of a philosopher of science. Proceedings of The American Philosophical Association 57, no. 1:5-31.
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