In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Concurrent Contents:Recent and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Abnormal Psychology
  • John Z. Sadler


Agich, G. J. 1992. Philosophy and psychiatry: A new endeavor. Integrative Psychiatry 8, no. 2:105-108.
Alexander, J. R., B. Lerer, and M. Baron. 1992. Ethical issues in genetic linkage studies of psychiatric disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry 160:98-102.
American Society of Human Genetics. 1991. American Society of Human Genetics statement on clinical genetics and freedom of choice. American Journal of Human Genetics 48:1011.
Applebaum, P. S. 1991. Law and psychiatry: Advance directives for psychiatric treatment. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 42:983-984.
Applebaum, P. S., and L. Jorgenson. 1991. Psychotherapist-patient sexual contact after termination of treatment—an analysis and a proposal. American Journal of Psychiatry 148:1466-1473.
Baron, J. 1994. Nonconsequentialist decisions, with commentary. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17, no. 1:1-42.
Baron, R. J. 1990. Medical hermeneutics: Where is the "text" we are interpreting? Theoretical Medicine 11, no. 1:25-28.
Beehler, R. G. 1993. Madness and method. Philosophy 68, no. 265:369-388.
Bemporad, J. R. 1991. Dementia praecox as a failure of neoteny. Theoretical Medicine 12, no. 1:45-52.
Berrios, G. E. 1989. What is phenomenology? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 82:425-428.
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Binns, P. 1990. Experimental evidence and psychotherapy. British Journal of Philosophy of Science 41:324-356.
———. 1994. Affect, agency, and engagement: Conceptions of the person in philosophy, neuropsychiatry, and psychotherapy. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 1:13-23.
Blatt, S. J. 1991. A cognitive morphology of psychopathology. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 100:262-270.
Bos, J., and R. Maier. 1992. The name of the game: An analysis of the Grünbaum debate. Communication and Cognition 25, no. 4:295-323.
Boss, M. 1990. Anxiety, guilt, and psychotherapeutic liberation. Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry 1986-87 20, nos. 1-3:71-92.
Bowlby, J. 1988. Where science and humanism meet. Group Analysis 21:81-82.
Bowman, C. A. 1992. Meta-diagnosis: Towards a hermeneutical perspective in medicine with an emphasis on alcoholism. Theoretical Medicine 13, [End Page 201] no. 2:261-264.
Carpenter, Jr., W. T. 1991. Psychopathology and common sense—where we went wrong with negative symptoms. Editorial. Biological Psychiatry 29:735-737.
Caws, P. 1994. Commentary on "Affect, agency, and engagement." Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 1:25-26.
Champlin, T. S. 1989. The causation of mental illness. Philosophical Investigation 12:14-32.
Chessick, R. D. 1990. Hermeneutics for psychotherapists. American Journal of Psychotherapy 44, no. 2:256-273.
Churchill, L. R. 1990. Hermeneutics in science and medicine: A thesis understated. Theoretical Medicine 11, no. 2:141-144.
Corlett, J. A. 1990. Fingarette on the disease concept of alcoholism. Theoretical Medicine 11, no. 3:243-250.
Crisp, R. 1994. Commentary on "How should we measure need?" Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 1:37.
Daly, R. W. 1991. A theory of madness. Psychiatry 54:368-385.
DeGrazia, D., and A. Rowan. 1991. Pain, suffering, and anxiety in animals and humans. Theoretical Medicine 12, no. 3:193-212.
Dell, S. 1986. Forensic psychiatry symposium: The mandatory sentence and section 2. Journal of Medical Ethics 12:28-31.
Dohrenwend, B. P., I. Levan, P. Shrout, et al. 1992. Socioeconomic status and psychiatric disorders—the causation selection issue. Science 255:946-952.
Dreyfus, H. 1987. Foucault's critique of psychiatric medicine. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 12, no. 4:311-334.
Drury, J. 1994. Cognitive science and hermeneutic explanation: Symbiotic or incompatible frameworks? Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1, no. 1:41-50.
Dyer, A. R. 1989. Professional organization of physicians: Balancing the cost-quality equation. An introduction. Theoretical Medicine 10, no. 3:185-194.
Elliott, C. 1991. The rules of insanity: Commentary on psychopathic disorder—a category mistake? Medical Ethics 17:89-90.
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Elliott, C, and G. Gillett. 1992. Moral insanity and...

