In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Brad Bucknell is a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta. He has published on the theory of Henry Louis Gates, Jr., in Ariel (1990) and "On 'Seeing' Salome" in ELH (1992). A 1992 recepient of the Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, he is completing a book on the relations between music, literature, and modernity.

James F. English, Assistant Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania and Review Editor of Postmodern Culture, has published articles in Contemporary Literature, Genre, Postmodern Culture, and Conradiana. He is working on a book, Comic Transactions: Humor and Community in Twentieth-Century British Fiction. His 1988 Ph.D. in English Literature is from Stanford University.

Charles Ferrall has recently completed his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto and is working on a book on the politics of reactionary modernism.

Hester L. Furey was granted her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1992 and is at present completing her book, Raising the Specter: Poems and Songs of the Radical Left, 1880-1920.

Lawrence F. Hanley, Adjunct Instructor at City College of New York, CUNY, received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1992. He is at work on a book, Representing "The People": National-Popular Politics and Culture in the 1930s.

Leslie Hill, Lecturer in French Studies at the University of Warwick, has published Beckett's Fiction: In Different Words (1990) and Marguerite Duras: Apocalpytic Desires (1993), as well as numerous articles on contemporary French literary theory (Barthes, Blanchot, Kristeva, and Lacan) and modern and contemporary fiction (Proust, Robbe-Grillet, Sollers). He is completing a book on the fiction and criticism of Maurice Blanchot for Routledge and a book on contemporary French writing for Oxford University Press. A 1976 recepient of the Ph.D. from Cambridge University, he serves as an International Advisory Editor for MFS.

Ellen Carol Jones, Assistant Professor of English at Purdue University and Managing Editor of MFS, has edited the MFS special issue, Feminist Readings of Joyce (1989), and published articles on Joyce in Joyce: Return of the Repressed (1993), Coping with Joyce: Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium (1989), James Joyce: The Augmented Ninth (1988), James Joyce: The Centennial Symposium (1986), and the James Joyce Quarterly (1993). She has edited the MFS special issue, Virginia Woolf (1992), and has published articles on Woolf in Critical Essays on Virginia Woolf (1985) and Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1993). She also co-edited the MFS special issue, Feminism and Modern Fiction (1988). She is completing a book, Writing the Other: Joyce's "Ulysses," and editing a collection of essays, Joyce: Feminist Studies. Her 1989 Ph.D. is from Cornell University. [End Page 805]

Richard Kearney is Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Department of Philosophy, University College, Dublin, and Visiting European Professor for part of the year at Boston College. He has also been director of the Cerisy International Philosophy Colloquium in France and editor of Crane Bag. His 1981 Ph.D. is from the University of Paris. His books include Dialogues with Contemporary Continental Thinkers (1984), Modern Movements in European Philosophy (1987), Transitions (1988), The Wake of Imagination (1989), and Poetics of Imagining (1991). He has edited the following books: The Irish Mind (1984), Heidegger et la Question de Dieu (1982), The Crane Bag Book of Irish Studies, 2 volumes (1985-1987), Across the Frontiers (1989), Migrations (1990), and Paul Ricoeur: les metamorphoses de la Raison Herméneutiq ue (1991).

Neil Larsen, Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies at Northeastern University, has published Modernism and Hegemony: A Materialist Critique of Aesthetic Agencies (1990) and edited The Discourse of Power: Culture, Hegemony, and the Authoritarian State in Latin America (1983). His essay, "Postmodernism and Imperialism: Theory and Politics in Latin America," appeared in Postmodern Culture. His latest book, Writing Off Revolution: A Critique of "Cultural Politics," is forthcoming from the University of Minnesota Press. His 1983 Ph.D. in Comparative Literature is from the University of Minnesota.

Patrick McGee received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1984. An Associate Professor of English at Louisiana State University, he has...

