In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Acknowledgments

Ellen Carol Jones would like to thank the following people who have made this special issue on Virginia Woolf possible: Morris Beja, Ohio State University; Quentin Bell; Bruce Duncan, Dean of Faculty for the Humanities, Dartmouth College; Karen Lawrence, University of Utah; Andrew McNeillie, Basil Blackwell; S. P. Rosenbaum, University of Toronto; B. J. Kirkpatrick; Jane Marcus, City University of New York; Regina Marler, Arizona State University; Trekkie Parsons; Brenda Silver, Dartmouth College; Michael Tratner, Stanford University. She would especially like to thank Laura Fuderer, Rare Books Librarian, University of Notre Dame, for her bibliography.

For permissions to reproduce photographs, she would like to acknowledge Gisèle Freund/Photo Researchers; Mary C. Suggett, Universal Press Syndicate; Edward Gorey, Donadio & Ashworth Inc.; Gregory Browner, Man Ray Trust; Elizabeth M. Weisberg, Artists' Rights Society.

No issue of Modern Fiction Studies is possible without the dedicated and excellent work of the Editorial Assistants. Ellen Jones is indebted beyond measure to John Mitchell, Steve Merriam, and, above all, Karen Dwyer. [End Page 15]


