In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Other Books Received
Allchin, A. M. Songs to Her God: Spirituality of Ann Griffiths. Cambridge: Cowley, 1987. 132 pp. pb. $7.95.
Bennett, Arnold. The Card. Hammondsworth: Penguin, 1987. 219 pp. pb. $5.95.
Bloom, Harold, ed. Samuel Beckett's Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable. New York: Chelsea House, 1988. 159 pp. No price given.
Bromwich, David. Romantic Critical Essays. New York: Cambridge UP, 1988. 269 pp. $34.50.
Carswell, Catherine. The Camomile. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1987. 305 pp. pb. $6.95.
Carter, Angela. "The Bloody Chamber" and Other Stones. New York: Penguin, 1987. 126 pp. pb. $5.95.
Cooper, Lettice. Fanny. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1987. 302 pp. pb. $7.95.
———. The New House. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1987. 319 pp. pb. $7.95.
———. Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces. New York: Penguin, 1987. 133 pp. pb. $5.95.
Crawford, Gary William. Ramsey Campbell. Starmont Reader's Guide 48. Mercer Island: Starmont, 1988. 74 pp. $17.95 cloth; pb. $8.95.
Empson, William. Argufying: Essays on Literature and Culture. Ed. John Haffenden. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1987. 657 pp. $45.00 cloth; pb. $19.95.
———. "The Royal Beasts" and Other Works. Ed. John Haffenden. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1988. 201 pp. No price given.
Herbert, Michael. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of D. H. Lawrence. New York: Cambridge UP, 1988. 492 pp. $69.50.
Lavin, Mary. The House in Ctewe Street. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1988. 472 pp. $7.95.
Lawrence, D. H. The Plumed Serpent. Ed. L. D. Clark. New York: Cambridge UP, 1988. 567 pp. $79.50 cloth; pb. $24.95.
Lehmann, Beatrix. Rumour of Heaven. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1987. 280 pp. pb. $6.95.
Loss, Archie K. W. Somerset Maugham. Literature and Life: British Writers Series. New York: Ungar, 1987. 138 pp. No price given [End Page 297]
Mayor, F. M. The Squire's Daughter. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1988. 310 pp. pb. $6.95.
———. The Third Miss Symons. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1988. 144 pp. pb. $6.95.
Miller, D. A. The Novel and the Police. Berkeley: U of California P, 1988. 222 pp. $22.50.
Muggeridge, Malcolm. Winter in Moscow. 1934. Grand Rapids: Erdmans, 1987. 252 pp. No price given.
Musselwhite, David E. Partings Welded Together: Politics and Desire in the Nineteenth-Century English Novel. New York: Methuen, 1988. 278 pp. $57.50 cloth; pb. $14.95.
Stanfield, Paul Scott. Yeats and Politics in the 1930s. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 227 pp. No price given.
Thompson, Rupert. Dreams of Leaving. New York: Atheneum, 1988. 435 pp. $19.95.
Thurston, Katherine Cecil. The Fly on the Wheel. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1988. 344 pp. $7.95.
von Armin, Elizabeth. The Pastor's Wife. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1987, 490 pp. pb. $6.95.
Walker, Dorothea. Muriel Spark. Twayne's English Authors Series 460. Boston: Twayne, 1988. 122 pp. $17.95.
Warner, Sylvia Townsend. Summer Will Show. New York: Penguin—Virago, 1987. 406 pp. pb. $6.95.
Waugh, Evelyn. Labels. London: Duckworth, 1986. 206 pp. pb. $8.95.
———. Ninety-Two Days. London: Duckworth, 1986. 170 pp. $19.50.

