In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received January 16, 2008 to April 15, 2008
Ahl, Frederick, ed. and trans. 2008. Two Faces of Oedipus: Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus and Seneca’s Oedipus. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. $55.00 hc. $16.95 sc. 280 pp.
Appiah, Peggy, Kwame Appiah, and Ivor Agyeman-Duah. 2008. Bu Me Be: Proverbs of the Akans. Oxfordshire: Ayebia Clarke Limited. $55.00 hc. 312 pp.
Arendt, Hannah. 2007. Reflections on Literature and Culture. Ed. Susannah Young-Ah Gottlieb. Stanford: Stanford University Press. $24.95 sc. xxxi + 360 pp.
Asfour, Lana. 2008. Laurence Sterne In France. New York: Contimuum. $130 hc. 182 pp.
Badger, Robert, ed. 2007. Ideas That Work in College Teaching. Albany: State University of New York Press. $53.50 hc. $17.45 sc. xiv + 172 pp.
Balderston, Daniel, and Francine Masiello, eds. 2008. Approaches to Teaching Puig’s Kiss of the Spider Woman. New York: Modern Language Association. $37.50 hc. $19.75 sc. 175 pp.
Baron, Sabrina, Eric Lindquist, and Eleanor Shevlin, eds. 2007. Agent of Change: Print Culture Studies after Elizabeth L. Eisenstein. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. $80.00 hc. $29.95 sc. 464 pp.
Bellin, Joshua David. 2007. Medicine Bundle: Indian Sacred Performance and American Literature, 1824–1932. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. $55.00 hc. 272 pp.
Berlant, Lauren. 2008. The Female Complaint: The Unfinished Business of Sentimentality in American Culture. Durham: Duke University Press. $84.95 hc. xiv + 353 pp.
Borg, Ruben. 2008. The Measureless Time of Joyce, Deleuze and Derrida. New York: Continuum. $120.00 hc. 176 pp.
Bousquet, Marc. 2008. How The University Works: Higher Education and the Low-Wage Nation. Fwd. Cary Nelson. New York: New York University Press. $70.00 h.c. $22.00 sc. xiii + 280 pp.
Bussie, Jacquelin. 2007. The Laughter of the Opressed: Ethical and Theological Resistance in Wiesel, Morrison, and Endo. New York: Continuum. $24.95 hc. 261 pp.
Caistor, Nick. 2008. Octavio Paz. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. $16.95 sc. 143 pp.
Cartwright, Lisa. 2008. Moral Spectatorship: Technologies of Voice and Affect in Postwar Representations of the Child. Durham: Duke University Press. $79.95 hc. $22.95 sc. 287 pp.
Cavafy, C. P. 2007. The Canon. Trans. Stratis Haviaras. Fwd. Seamus Heaney. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. $24.95 sc. xx + 465 pp.
Chambers, Ian. 2008. Mediterranean Crossings: The Politics of an Interrupted Modernity. Durham: Duke University Press. $74.95 hc. $21.95 sc. 192 pp.
Cleary, Joe. 2007. Outrageous Fortune: Capital and Culture in Modern Ireland. Dublin: Field Day Publications. $30.00 s.c. xii + 320 pp.
Colla, Elliott. 2008. Conflicted Antiquities: Egyptology, Egyptomania, Egyptian Modernity. Durham: Duke University Press. $79.95 hc. $22.95 sc. x + 345 pp. [End Page 208]
Costello, Bonnie. 2008. Planets on Tables: Poetry, Still Life, and the Turning World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. $29.95 hc. xvii + 205 pp.
De Charriere, Isabelle. 2007. Three Women: A Novel by the Abbe de la Tour. Trans. Emma Rooksby. New York: Modern Language Association. $9.95 sc. xxxv + 178 pp.
Dewey, Anne Day. 2007. Beyond Maximus: The Construction of Public Voice in Black Mountain Poetry. Stanford: Stanford University Press. $60.00 hc. xv + 286 pp.
Doyle, Laura. 2008. Freedom’s Empire: Race and the Rise of the Novel in Atlantic Modernity, 1640–1940. Durham: Duke University Press. $99.95 hc. $27.95 sc. 592 pp.
Ebert, Teresa, and Mas’ud Zavarzadeh. 2008. Class in Culture. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. $83.00 hc. $24.95 sc. 215 pp.
Erne, Lukas. 2008. Shakespeare’s Modern Collaborators. New York: Continuum. $90.00 hc. $16.95 sc. 144 pp.
Forter, Greg, and Paul Allen Miller, eds. 2008. Desire Of The Analysts: Physchoanalysis and Cultural Criticism. Albany: State University of New York Press. $83.50 hc. $27.95 sc. vii + 258 pp.
Fuchs, Miriam, and Craig Howes, eds. 2008. Teaching Life Writing Texts. New York: Modern Language Association. $40.00 hc. $22.00 sc. 400 pp.
Gibson, Becky. 2007. Aphrodite’s Daughter. Huntsville: Texas Review Press. $12.95 sc. 76.00 pp.
Golley, Nawar Al-Hassan. 2007. Arab Women’s Lives Retold: Exploring Identity Through Writing. Syracuse: Syacuse University Press. $22.95 sc. 271 pp.
Graziosi, Barbara, and Emily Greenwood. 2007. Homer in the Twentieth Century: Between...

