In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Forthcoming Articles

Forthcoming numbers of FS will contain the following articles:

Irene Albers, Mimesis and Alterity: Michel Leiris's Ethnography and Poetics of Spirit Possession
Kathryn Banks, Opposites and Identities: Maurice Scève's Délie and Charles de Bovelles's Ars oppositorum
Tovi Bibring, Sexualité douteuse et bestialité trompeuse dans Bisclavret de Marie de France
Nora Cottille-Foley, L'Usage de la photographie chez Annie Ernaux
Julia Dobson, Timely Resistance in the Documentary Work of Dominique Cabrera
Simon Kemp, Darrieussecq's Mind
Marcus Keller, Imitation, Language and Nation in Joachim Du Bellay's Deffence
Martin Munro, The French Creoles of Trinidad and the Limits of the Francophone
Pascale Sardin, Towards an Ethics of Witness, or the Story and History of 'une minuscule détresse' in Annie Ernaux's L'Événement and Nancy Huston's Instruments des ténèbres
Maria Scott, Performing Desire: Stendhal's Theatrical Heroines
Max Silverman, Interconnected Histories: Holocaust and Empire in the Cultural Imaginary
Elin Tobiassen, Promenades de lecteurs dans Le Vaillant Petit Tailleur d'Éric Chevillard
Kate Tunstall, The Judgement of Experience: Reading and Seeing in Diderot's Lettre sur les aveugles [End Page 257]

