In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject and Use Index

Keyed to The Bulletin's alphabetical arrangement by author, this index, which appears in each issue, can be used in three ways. Entries in regular type refer to subjects; entries in bold type refer to curricular or other uses; entries in ALL-CAPS refer to genres and appeals. In the case of subject headings, the subhead "stories" refers to books for the readaloud audience; "fiction," to those books intended for independent reading.

Abandonment–fiction: Golding
Abuse–fiction: Dessen
Actors and acting: Brighton
Adoption–fiction: Elliott; Golding; Haddix
ADVENTURE: Abbott; Elliott; Fletcher, Charlie; Haddix; Iserles; Jennings; Woodruff
African Americans: Clinton
African Americans–fiction: Myers Game; Myers Sunrise; Volponi
Animals–fiction: Avi
Animals–poetry: Ehlert
Animals–stories: Billingsley; Blackford; Ji; Mansfield
Art: Ehlert
Art and artists–stories: Pinkwater
Babies: Cocovini
Babies–stories: Baek
Basketball–fiction: Myers Game
BEDTIME STORIES: Averbeck; Billingsley; Levine, J.
BIOGRAPHIES: Alexander; Brighton; Clinton; Meltzer; Nathan
Biology: Cocovini; Frost; Singer
Brothers–fiction: Voorhees
Brothers–stories: Lindgren
Brothers and sisters–fiction: Hahn
Bullies–fiction: Butler
Butterflies: Frost
Careers: Nathan
Cats–fiction: Iserles
Clothing–stories: Ji
Colors–stories: Averbeck
Crime and criminals–fiction: Abrahams; Golding; Hooper
Cuba–poetry: Engle
Current events: Myers Sunrise; Zenatti
Dancers and dance: Nathan
Dancers and dance–fiction: Fletcher, Christine
Death–fiction: Connor; Hooper
Disabilities–fiction: Alexander; Roe
Disasters–fiction: Volponi
Divorce–fiction: Reinhardt
Dogs–stories: Baek
Dystopias–fiction: Sleator
Ethics and values: Bauer; Bodeen; Butler; Fletcher, Christine; Hopkins; Meehl; Pinkwater; Selzer; Sleator; Zenatti
Faith–fiction: Levine, G.
Families–fiction: Bodeen; Couloumbis; Dessen; Reinhardt; Volponi
Families–stories: Levine, J.
FANTASY: Childs; de Lint; Dean; Elliott; Fletcher, Charlie; Iserles; Levine, G.; Mebus; Meehl; Murdock; Thompson
Fathers–fiction: Levine, G.
Fear–stories: Rosoff
Friends–fiction: Cirrone; Fletcher, Charlie; Trondheim
Friends–stories: Rosoff
Gangs–fiction: Voorhees
Gardens and gardening–stories: Barry; Ray
Gays and lesbians–fiction: Tamaki
Geography: Yaccarino
GHOST STORIES: Hahn [End Page 409]
Gods and goddesses–fiction: Levine, G.; Mebus
Grandfathers–fiction: Abrahams
Grandmothers–fiction: Abbott
GRAPHIC NOVELS: Tamaki; Trondheim
Growing up–fiction: Shoup; Tamaki
HISTORICAL FICTION: Fletcher, Christine; Hooper; Hopkins; Lowell; Woodruff
History, U.S.: Lowell; Winters
History, world: Engle
Homework–fiction: Giblin
HUMOR: Bauer; Herrick; Jennings; Ji; Levine, J.; Lombardi; Mansfield; Morris; Prelutsky; Selzer; Thompson; Trondheim; Willems
Hurricanes–fiction: Volponi
Illness–fiction: Hopkins; Roe
Internet–fiction: Butler
Iraq War–fiction: Myers Sunrise
Journalism–fiction: Bauer; Cirrone
Knights and chivalry–fiction: Morris
Language arts: Avi; Fox
Latinos–fiction: Voorhees
Latinos–poetry: Engle
Literature, American: Clinton
Magic–fiction: Thompson
Mathematics: Meltzer
Middle East–fiction: Zenatti
Money–fiction: Shoup
Monsters–stories: Rosoff
Mothers–fiction: Connor; Couloumbis; Golding
Movies: Brighton
Music and musicians–fiction: Volponi
MYSTERIES: Abbott; Abrahams; Dean
Mythology, classical: Childs
Nature study: Barry; Blackford; Fox; Frost; Singer
Neglect–fiction: Connor
Neighbors–fiction: Thompson
New York City–fiction: Mebus
Night–stories: Averbeck
Pets–stories: Baek; Willems
Physical education: Myers Game
Pigs–stories: Lindgren; Mansfield
Pioneers–stories: Lowell
Pirates–fiction: Jennings
POETRY: Ehlert; Engle; Herrick; Hopkins; Prelutsky
Politics–fiction: Bauer
Pregnancy: Cocovini
Prejudice–fiction: Hopkins
Princesses–fiction: Murdock
Princesses–stories: Ray
Quests–fiction: Mebus
Readers' theater: Winters
Reading aloud: Ehlert; Hahn; Herrick; Prelutsky; Winters
Reading, easy: Morris
Reading, reluctant: Cirrone; Elliott; Yaccarino
Rehabilitation–fiction: Roe
Relationships–fiction: Reinhardt; Selzer
Revolutionary War–poetry: Winters
Romance–fiction: de Lint; Murdock
School–fiction: Butler; Childs; Cirrone; Giblin; Herrick; Selzer
Science: Meltzer
SCIENCE FICTION: Haddix; Lombardi; Sleator
Secrets–fiction: Bodeen
Sharing–stories: Savadier
Ships and sailing–fiction: Woodruff
Sisters–fiction: Couloumbis; Dean; Dessen; Reinhardt
Slavery–poetry: Engle
Space travel–fiction: Trondheim
Storytime: Barry; Blackford; Ji; Lindgren; Mansfield; Pinkwater; Savadier; Willems
Time travel–fiction: Haddix
Toddlers–stories: Savadier
Vampires–fiction: Meehl
Voyages and travel–fiction: Lombardi
Voyages and travel–stories: Lowell
War–fiction: Myers Sunrise
War–poetry: Engle; Hopkins
Wealth–fiction: Shoup
Wishes–stories: Willems
Witches–fiction: Thompson
Writers and writing: Clinton
Writers and writing–fiction: Abbott; Avi

