In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

MLN 122.5 (2007) 1253-1257

MLN Volume 122 (2007)


Bateman, J. Chimène. Amazonian Knots: Gender, Genre, and Ariosto's Women Warriors 1     (1)
Belton, John. Re-Imagining American Communities: Hollywood, Hawks and Ford in 1939 1166     (5)
Bondavalli, Simona. Charming the Cobra with a Ballpoint Pen: Liminality and Spectacular Authorship in Pier Paolo Pasolini's Interviews 24     (1)
Cohen, Margaret. Flaubert lectrice / Flaubert Lady Reader 746     (4)
Candido, Igor. Il libro della Scrittura, il libro della Natura, il libro della Memoria: l'esegesi dantesca di C.S. Singleton fra tradizione giudaico-cristiana e trascendentalismo emersoniano 46     (1)
Chiampi, James T. Rewriting Race Law: Primo Levi's La tregua 80     (1)
Culler, Jonathan. The Realism of Madame Bovary 683     (4)
de Biasi, Pierre-Marc. Secrets d'écriture, écritures du secret : les procédures de cryptage dans Madame Bovary 779     (4)
Falco, Raphael. Marsilio Ficino and Vatic Myth 101     (1)
Filosa, Elsa. Modalità di contatto tra Decameron e Corbaccio: Giovenale nella novella di Madonna Sismonda (Dec. VII 8) 123     (1)
Geroulanos, Stefanos. Transparency Dreaming Freedom (Maurice Blanchot's The Most High) 1050     (5)
Goetschel, Willi. Mendelssohn and the State 472     (3)
Groves, Jason. Writing Under the Influence 1124     (5)
Hasumi, Shiguéhiko. Emma Bovary et Richard Nixon: la réflexionthéorique face à Madame Bovary 808     (4)
Kaempfer, Álvaro. Economías de redención: "La agricultura de la Zona Tórrida" (1826) de Andrés Bello 272     (2)
Kefala, Eleni. The Dialectics of Heresy and Authority in Borges and Carpentier 342     (2)
Kluge, Sofie. Góngora's Heresy: Literary Theory and Criticism in the Golden Age 251     (2)
Küpper, Joachim. Philology and Theology in Petrarch 133     (1)
Leubner, Jason. Temporal Distance, Antiquity, and the Belovedin Petrarch's Rime sparse and Du Bellay's Les Antiquitez de Rome 079     (5) [End Page 1253]
Levine, Michael G. Pendant: Büchner, Celan, and the Terrible Voice of the Meridian 573     (3)
Linhard, Tabea Alexa. Between Hostility and Hospitality: Immigration in Contemporary Spain 400     (2)
Neefs, Jacques. Préface : Madame Bovary, le roman comme art moderne 681     (4)
Neefs, Jacques. « Du réel écrit… » 697     (4)
Noudelmann, François. Sartre et la tentation Bovary 797     (4)
Pfau, Thomas. The Philosophy of Shipwreck: Gnosticism, Skepticism, and Coleridge's Catastrophic Modernity 949     (5)
Philippe, Gilles. La Modernité linguistique de Madame Bovary      735     (4)
Pierrot, Anne Herschberg. Effets de voix dans Madame Bovary      713     (4)
Ramachandran, Ayesha. Tasso's Petrarch: The Lyric Means to Epic Ends 186     (1)
Reber, Dierdra. Cure for the Capitalist Headache: Affect and Fantastic Consumption in César Aira's Argentine "Baghdad" 371     (2)
Reed, Cosetta Seno. "Partire da sé e non farsi trovare." Il porto di Toledo: Storia di un'autobiografia fantastica 148     (1)
Regn, Gerhard. Double Authorship: Prophetic and Poetic Inspiration in Dante's Paradise      167     (1)
Ricciardi, Alessia. Immanent Miracles: From De Sica to Hardt and Negri1138     (5)
Ruiz Stull, Miguel. Prefacio, la lógica de Huidobro 315     (2)
Schestag, Thomas. Namen nehmen 544     (3)
Slater, John. History as an Ekphrastic Genre in Early Modern Spain 217     (2)
Sussman, Henry. Systems, Games, and the Player: Did We Manage to Become Human? 1005     (5)
Tobias, Rochelle. The Letter and the Law: A Brief Introduction 467     (3)
Twellmann, Marcus. Von der Beratung zur Kritik der Regierung. Moses Mendelssohn über Eide 493     (3)
Vélez-Sainz, Julio. ¿Amputación o ungimiento?: Soluciones a la con-taminación religiosa en el Buscón y el Quijote (1615) 233     (2)
Vinken, Barbara. Loving, Reading, Eating: The Passion of Madame Bovary 759     (4)
Weber, Elisabeth. Fending Off Idolatry: Ceremonial Law in Men-delssohn's Jerusalem      522     (3)
Weber, Samuel. "And When is Now?" (On Some Limits of Perfect Intelligibility) 1028     (5)
Weissberg, Liliane. Heinrich Heine Writes About His Life 563     (3)
Weitzman, Erica. The World in Pieces: Concepts of Anxiety in H. C. Andersen's "The Snow Queen" 1105     (5) [End Page 1254]
Zecchi, Barbara. Insolación de Emilia Pardo Bazán: Intertextualidades y parodias, hacia una escritura de la igualdad 294     (2)
Zivin, Erin Graff. Writing the Absent Face: "Jewishness" and the Limits of Representation...

