University of Hawai'i Press
  • Contributors

Jorge L. Bacelis teaches Spanish at the University of Texas at Austin. He has traveled extensively in Europe, the Middle East, and the Orient. He is now researching and writing about Spanish travelers in Italy.

Ralph Bauer is Associate Professor of English at the University of Maryland at College Park. His recent work includes coediting Creole Subjects in Colonial America: Empires, Texts, Identities (U of North Carolina P, 2007), and the annotated translation of An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru by Titu Cusi Yupanqui (U of Colorado P, 2005).

Joel Black teaches Comparative Literature at the University of Georgia. He is the author of The Aesthetics of Murder: A Study of Romantic Literature and Contemporary Culture (John Hopkins UP, 1991) and The Reality Effect: Film Culture and the Graphic Imperative (Routledge, 2002), as well as numerous essays and reviews on modernity, media technology, and cultural studies.

Greg Clingham is Professor of English and Director of the University Press at Bucknell University. He has recently edited a festschrift for the late Simon Varey, Sustaining Literature: Essays on Literature, History, and Culture, 1500-1800 (2007), and he is at work on a book on narrative and the ends of law, 1650-1850.

David Crouch is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Hull. He is the author of a number of books on the Anglo-Norman period, including The Normans: History of a Dynasty (Continuum, 2002).

Rocío G. Davis is currently Associate Professor of American Literature and Director of the Institute of Liberal Arts at the University of Navarra (Spain). Her publications include Begin Here: Reading Asian North American Autobiographies of Childhood (U of Hawai'i P, 2007) and Transcultural Reinventions: Asian American and Asian Canadian Short Story Cycles (Toronto: TSAR, 2001). She has co-edited Ethnic Life Writing and Histories: Genres, Performance, Culture (with Jaume Aurell and Ana Beatriz Delgado, LIT Verlag, 2007), Literary Gestures: The Aesthetic in Asian American Writing (with Sue-Im Lee, Temple UP, 2006), Sites of Ethnicity: Europe and the Americas (with William Boelhower and Carmen Birkle, Winter Verlag, 2004), and Asian American Literature in the International Context: Readings on Fiction, Poetry, and Performance (with S¨ami Ludwig, LIT Verlag, 2002), among others. [End Page 724]

Lars Fischer is Lecturer in German History in the German Department, and Honorary Research Fellow in the Hebrew and Jewish Studies Department, at University College London. His study on The Socialist Response to Antisemitism in Imperial Germany was published in March 2007 by Cambridge University Press.

Brian Gordon Kennelly is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

James H. Morey is Associate Professor of English at Emory University.

Jessica C. Murphy is a Ph.D. candidate in English at the University of California at Santa Barbara, where she is writing her dissertation on early modern women's conduct literature.

Cornelia Pearsall teaches in the English Department at Smith College. Her book Tennyson's Rapture: Transformation in the Victorian Dramatic Monologue is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. Her articles include an examination of Wellington's funeral.

Marya Schechtman is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has published extensively in the philosophy of personal identity, and is the author of The Constitution of Selves (Cornell UP, 1996).

William Todd Schultz is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at Pacific University. He is the author of numerous works on psychology and life writing, and is the editor of Handbook of Psychobiography (Oxford UP, 2005).

Jennifer Terry is Lecturer in English Studies at the University of Durham. Her research interests lie in American literature, postcolonial studies, and writings of the black diaspora, and current projects include a comparative exploration of African American and Caribbean fiction.

Teresa A. Toulouse is Professor of English at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is the author of The Art of Prophesying: New England Sermons and the Shaping of Belief (U of Georgia P, 1987) and The Captive's Position: Female Narrative, Male Identity, and Royal Authority in Colonial New England (U of Pennsylvania P, 2006).

Phyllis E. Wachter, compiler of Biography's annual bibliography for over twenty years, continues to teach and conduct life writing research. [End Page 725]

Lee Zimmerman is Professor of English at Hofstra University, and editor of the journal Twentieth-Century Literature. His recent work is on object relations and literature, and he is currently working on trauma and climate change. [End Page 726]

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