In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Ashdowne, Richard, and James Morwood. Writing Latin: An Introduction to Writing in the Language of Cicero and Caesar. London: Duckworth 2007. Pp. 186; Paper $23.50 ISBN 978-1-853-99701-3.
Bonnet, Charles, and Dominique Valbelle. The Nubian Pharaohs: Black Kings of the Nile. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press 2005. Pp. 215; Cloth n.p. ISBN 978-977-416-010-3.
Gray, Vivienne J. (ed.). Xenophon on Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. x, 231; Cloth $95.00 ISBN 978-0521-58154-7; Paper $34.99 ISBN 978-0-521-58859-1.
Henderson, John. The Medieval World of Isidore of Seville: Truth from Words. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. xi, 232; Cloth $99.00 ISBN 978-0-521-86740-5.
James, Liz (ed.). Art and Text in Byzantine Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. xv, 230; Cloth $80.00 ISBN 978-0-521-83409-4.
Low, Polly. Interstate Relations in Classical Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. x, 313; Cloth $90.00 ISBN 978-0-521-87206-5.
McDonald, Marianne, and Michael Walton (eds.). The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. xvi, 365; Cloth $85.00 ISBN 978-0-521-83456-8; Paper $29.99 ISBN 978-0-521-54234.
McNelis, Charles. Statius' Thebaid and the Poetics of Civil War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. x, 203; Cloth $90.00 ISBN 978-0-521-86741-2.
Morley, Neville. Trade in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. xiv, 118; Cloth $80.00 ISBN 978-0-521-63279-9; Paper $29.99 ISBN 978-0-521-63416-8. [End Page 235]
O'Hara, James J. Inconsistency in Roman Epic: Studies in Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, and Lucan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. xiv, 165; Cloth $85.00 ISBN 978-0-521-64139-5; Paper $28.99 ISBN 978-0-521-64642-0.
Ray, John. The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 2007. Pp. 199; Cloth n.p. ISBN 978-0-674-02493-9.
Rea, Jennifer A. Legendary Rome: Myths, Monuments, and Memory on the Palatine and Capitoline. London: Duckworth 2007. Pp. 180; Cloth $81.00 ISBN 978-0-715-63646-6.
Shapiro, H. A. (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Archaic Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. xiii, 303; Cloth $90.00 ISBN 978-0-521-82200-8; Paper $28.99 ISBN 978-0-521-52929-7.
Sim, May. Remastering Morals with Aristotle and Confucius. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. xiii, 224; Cloth $85.00 ISBN 978-0-521-87093-1.
Vout, Caroline. Power and Eroticism in Imperial Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007. Pp. xiv, 285; Cloth $90.00 ISBN 978-0-521-96739-9. [End Page 236]

